What they never knew: Requested by mgmendez2305

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*Author's note: the relationship status of the two are: dating. In this oneshot, the two are having a secret relationship from their friends to keep from finding out that they dating. However, as each and everyone one of their friends gets closer and closer to the truth, the two will have to face the ultimate battle of telling all that's been going on with them. Will they be able to completely open up to their friends? Or is there more to hide? Find out in this cute oneshot that will make your heart bleed out for these two. Enjoy! ☺️❤️  

Chapter 1:

It was bright summer afternoon as Bugs and Daffy spend their typical lunch hour with a group of friends at the Pizzaribba for brunch.

Except with the discretion of the two identifying their relationship as official boyfriends.

And had been for quite a while.

The problem however, is that their friends don't know anything about the two.

Or the fact that they exceeded their friendship to the next level.

And until then, they've kept things quiet amongst themselves.

At this time, they were all huddled in a circle-like table, discussing upcoming plans for their next hangout in mind.

"So what's everyone doing for this year's summer festival?" Tina asked curiously.

"I don't know. It's about the same, every year." Bugs said in a bland tone while Daffy looked down, stumped.

Wondering if that's how it's going to be like if he were to personally asked Bugs about how they want to spend their next date.

Since most of it was filled with in-home movies, homemade dinners and late night walks in the parks.

Which hadn't been all too bad.

They're actually quite nice and very relaxing to look forward to.

But deep down in his mind, he wished they would be more open and public with their relationship.

"Well, I think me and Petunia are going to go out as a matching couple. But she's getting our outfits since she always picks out the cutest ones to wear every time we go out together on our dates." Porky said with a smile in a daze as if he had been struck with pure beauty.

Which seemed to have annoyed Speedy to the very least.

"Bleh. I should have known you would do something this cheesy." Speedy said in disgust, since he was practically the only single guy for the longest time.

And has not dated anyone since.

"Aww, I think it's sweet. But if I were to choose matching tops, I would definitely wear t-shirts with my boyfriend that would say words like 'I love my girlfriend' and 'I love my boyfriend' with little arrows pointing at each other." Lola suggested excitedly.

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea Lola. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll let her know right away so that she can get them ordered ahead of time." Porky thanked her before immediately pulling up his phone and speedily texted her all the details about the idea, happily.

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