Movie Marathon: Requested by mgmendez2305

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*Authors's note: In this One Shot, the relationship status is: best friends falling in love. This story is about a simple movie night that ultimately turns into a sleepover. The artist for this fan art above is from Tumblr and the song below is a background song for the story purpose. I hope you enjoy this heartfelt oneshot! 😌

Chapter 1:

After a long day of nonstop running around with his friends at the Pizzeribba and the mall, there was nothing better for Bugs to do now than to fall flat on his tail in the couch and watch TV with his best friend Daffy, who seems to be in an equally tired mood, but continued to keep a bright face on so that it would look less obvious.

Of course, Bugs never minded at all and called it a day for the both of them.

When they got home from their hangout, they immediately sat in their separate seats (Daffy recliner while Bugs couch) and flipped on the TV screen with the remote control.

"Can I pick the show this time? I don't want to watch football all day." Daffy said, while Bugs scans through the channels.

"Sure, what would you like to watch?" Bugs asked while handing him the remote controller.

"Hmmm...How about, St. Steve James: off duty cop?" Daffy asked, enthusiastically as Bugs looks over at him with a 'really?' look.

"Are you serious? Didn't you just finish that show 2 weeks ago? You were in the middle of its last season before you got a chance to even meet the actor. They're not going to play another season you know." Bugs explained.

"I guess.... wait, how did you know that the show was done? I thought that you said you didn't like the show." Daffy asked suspiciously as Bugs widens his eyes at the surprise of what he had just said and tries to brush it off immediately to avoid the awkwardness out of that sentence

"! I actually done I uh... I just pay close attention to these kinds of things, that's all. Because I knew that it was your favorite. he he" Bugs said in a winced tone with hints of blush coloring his cheeks, hoping that Daffy wouldn't think of it the wrong way, but thankfully he didn't.

"Oh, okay." Daffy said, shrugging his shoulders while scrolling down on numerous shows and movies until Bugs lost patience from him moving the list on too fast.

"Here give me the controller. I'll find us something different for us to watch this time. What kind of movies do you like?" Bugs asked as he took the controller from his hand and goes directly towards the movies section to look through the lists, himself.

"Any cop ones will do. You know, like the type that kick people's butts and arrest criminals." Daffy explained while expressing a karate like motion with his hands.

Bugs looks over at him and couldn't help but to laugh at him.

"Haha, okay. So, comedy action it is then" Bugs concluded as he guides the controller to the category of genres and clicks on comedy to reduce the number of movies shown on the screen

The two then start to browse over at hundreds of movies to watch but came up with nothing new except the old classics that they both knew would be a waste of energy to view until Bugs suddenly came across an Eddie Murphy film and stopped it there.

"Oh! How about Beverly Hills Cop?" Bugs asked.

"What's that one about?" Daffy asked, curiously.

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