Drunken Love

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*Author's note: in this episode, the relationship status is best friends falling in love. The art picture above belongs to Tumblr user chezlizz. Enjoy! 🥰

Chapter 1:

It was a Friday morning with no plans for the weekend, so Bugs thought about maybe taking his buddies up to a local bar in town for a few drinks.

After all, it has been a long time since he spent quality bro time with the others and it also being as a night gathering. 

As Bugs picked up his phone, he decided to call Porky first.

After a few rings, Porky answered his phone.

"H...hello?" Porky asked on the other line. 

"Hey Porky, its Bugs." Bugs said.

"O...oh hey Bugs what's up?" Porky asked.

"Its Friday and I figured that it would be a good day for us to all go out get drinks. There's a new bar that I've been meaning to check out. Are you free by any chance tonight?" Bugs asked.

"O....ooo that sound fun b...but I can't. T...the city council is having a meeting this afternoon and I...I'm having dinner with Petunia's parents. Why d...don't you go out with Lola instead? M...maybe sometime next week we can have a guys night then." Porky suggested.

"I can't. Her and her parents are gone out on a family trip in Alaska for two months and there's hardly anything to do around here." Bugs said in a bored tone.

"W...well, why don't you see if Daffy is available. I...I'm sure he's got nothing to do." Porky offered.

"He never has. Alright then, I guess I can ask Speedy and see if he'll come too." Bugs said.

"H...have fun. I...I'll talk to you later, bye." Porky said as he hung up the phone.

Bugs placed his phone down and walked over to Speedy's home hole and knocked on its little door.

"Hey Speedy." Bugs called as Speedy came out with his little car.

"Morning Bugs. What's up?" Speedy asked.

"Are you busy tonight? I was thinking of taking the guys out for drinks at the new bar in town except for Porky. He said that he has stuff to do." Bugs asked. 

"Oh sorry man, I'm busy too. Its Friday Family Night and the whole restaurant will be packed. I have to clean up the place and everything. By the time I finish with work, I'll already be too tired. Mind if I take a raincheck on that?" Speedy asked.

"Sure, I understand." Bugs said. 

"Great I'll see you later." Speedy said as he drove his car out the house.

I guess its just me and you tonight then. Bugs thought referring to Daffy as he made some coffee and sat on the kitchen table to wait for him. 

When Daffy finally got up, he headed to the kitchen and grabbed an apple from the fridge while also grabbing a cup for the now brewed coffee.

"Hey Bug's what's up?" He said as he starts biting into the apple. 

"Hey Daffy, are you up for drinks tonight? Speedy and Porky can't come I asked and Lola is away on a trip. There's this new bar that I have been dying to check out, but I have nobody to go with me." Bugs said. 

"Sure Bugs. Tina's working tonight, so I guess I can join you. Here" Daffy said as he pours coffee in his cup and then in another cup to give to Bugs. 

"Thanks" Bugs said when Daffy gives him the cup of coffee as he sat down by him on the table.

"So, you think you can handle it? I've heard that their drinks are really strong there." Bugs asked. 

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