Love in hot pursuit: Requested by Killer_hell

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Author's note: In this One Shot, the relationship status is: enemies to lovers where Bugs is a showoff FBI agent and Daffy is a amateur Private Investor both on the hunch of bringing same case. The artist is Rubberhoze for this fan art above on Tumblr and the song below is a background song for the story purpose. I hope you enjoy this cute requested oneshot! ☺️

Chapter 1:

During the first five exhausting years of his career, no one once has ever told Daffy that being in the P.I. (Private Investigator) business was going to be easy.  

There will always be heavy competition and trouble that will string him along his tail. 

Cops hounding him over lack of evidence on an accused suspect or for viewing confidential police information. 

Crooks constantly beating him up to a pulp. 

And even pain-in-the-neck daily nights to spend at the county jails in town that he frequently has to look forward to for breaking and entering into peoples' properties. 

Hey, what can he say? 

He's a detective, that's his job, right?

But no matter how irritating it can get, he knows the one thing that will definitely drive him up the wall is that nine times out of ten for every case that he has been hired to deal with, there will always be someone who gets in his way. 

At first, it's just measly first-time private detectives who believe that their skills are more impeccable enough to handle the jobs themselves. 

Until, it got worse. 

Way worse. 

Now the FBI's involved. 

And that's not all. 

Their G-man in charge of the case happens to be Bugs Bunny. 

The most highly decorated special agent in the field who has covered over 50 different cases, with each one, giving him an honorary award or medal for his bravery and dedication to the job. 

It made him very famous for the Criminal Justice Industry and he was a star. 

An Idol. 

Of course, Daffy was typically jealous alright, but seeing Bug's smug face being praised constantly in the newspapers never bothered him much. 

Until now.

When he's forced to work with him on one of the biggest heist cases in the city.  

How did this all happen?


Chapter 2:

It was normal afternoon in the broken-down office of a small PI company called The Looney Los Angelos Investigations which was a place that could be briefly described as a shamble with a few pieces of furniture and only two people working in the area. 

Daffy and Porky Pig, who was his best friend and equal business partner to the company itself.  

It may be small and unrealistic, but it's a flexible business for him and surprisely this 'little business' had been on good terms for several years now, which definitely helped the two of them pay rent. 

It may not be like a government official payroll but, it was enough to for them to live comfortably. 

However, right now everything seemed to be pretty slowed and jammed with multiple jobs all backed up at once on Daffy when Porky had to leave town all of a sudden for a trip with his girlfriend to a beautiful resort in the Bahamas. 

Baffy: One Shot stories!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon