Will you be mine on Valentine? requested by: mgmendez2305

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*Author's Note: in this One Shot, the relationship status is: best friends falling in love. In this particular one-shot, the two are having a nice relaxing time at a Valentines Day gift exchange with hints of romance crossing in its path when one of those gifts becomes something more. The picture above is on Tumblr. Btw, the girls don't exist in this one. Enjoy. And have a Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 🥰 💝

Chapter 1:

It was a nice and breezy afternoon in Los Angeles, and everyone was having a good time at their annual Valentines' Day Gift Exhange party in the Pizzaribba.

During this sweet hearted event, the friends were all paired up with at least one person to be their gift exchanger for the year.

Bugs and Daffy decided to be each other's.

While Porky and Petunia are naturally grouped together like a typical couple.

Along with Granny and Yosemite Sam being paired up for the occasion.

And Gossamer with Witch Lezah as a classic son to mother tradition.

Finally, Speedy, who was too busy running the restaurant itself, to do any of it.

However, regardless of the partner matchup, being the kind person that he is, Bugs decided to get gifts for everyone else as well.

When everyone, except for Daffy, arrived at the party, they all greeted each other with simple waves before the exchanges were being made.

Bugs then, while waiting for Daffy to show up, decided to go first since he had a literal tableful of gifts and handed out each one at a time, starting with Porky and Petunia.

"Here, Ya go Doc. Two tickets to the county fair. I hear that they go all out on the valentine tradition for this year." Bugs said while giving Porky the tickets.

"Oh! That's so nice, thank you." Petunia said in a sweet, cheery voice.

"Yeah, this is very thoughtful of you. You really didn't have to do for us." Porky said, politely.

"It's no problem. I just figured that you two would've wanted to go on this kind of trip and I knew that the tickets would be sold out soon if I didn't get them on time." Bugs said while grabbing two more boxes and giving them to the next pair.

"And for you Sam, Granny." Bugs stated while Granny and Yosemite Sam started to open their presents.

At their own pace, of course.

"Oh Boy! A microwave! How did you know that I needed one of these suckers?" Yosemite Sam asked, gleefully.

"Ha. Well, I can tell from the many trips that you would usually take to my house, asking me to warm up your frozen burritos from time to time. So, I thought to myself, why not just save you the trouble and get one" Bugs said in a modern sarcastic tone as Granny finally managed to open up her gift and smiled in awe when she sees a pack of flower seeds with several gardening tools all in a compacted fit box.

"Ah, how very kind of you. I could always use some more tools in the shed and maybe even rebuild my garden again once these old hands get used to the raking up the soil" Granny said.

"Well, if you want, I could always stop by anytime and replant them for you ma'am." Yosemite Sam said with a gentlemen's tone while tilting his hat a little.

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