Like an old married couple: Requested by mgmendez2305

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*Author's Note: in this One Shot, the relationship status is: best friends falling in love. In this particular one-shot, the two best friends tease each other in hopes that one would be embarrassed by the other until one day they get called out on how they are acting like an old married couple. But is it true? Are all those flirtings nothing more than a joke? Find out in this cute oneshot. The picture above is on Tumblr. Btw, the girls don't exist in this one. Enjoy. 🥰

Chapter 1:

It was on a regular lunch get together with Porky and Speedy at the Pizzaribba as Bugs and Daffy sat down at group table where everyone was munching on their pizzas and begin talking about their day in a calm and peaceful manner.

Until suddenly the conversations started to get sarcastic as the two initiate a mini feud war on roasting each other.

"So, how has your day been, guys?" Porky asked Bugs and Daffy, who then looked at each other in annoyance before answering the question.

"Yeah, it was alright. Until SOMEBODY decided to leave the dishes in the sink all morning." Bugs said while glaring at Daffy.

"Hey! At least I offered to cook for you, but nooo! You said that you would do it all by yourself and that you didn't need any of my help to clean up the mess either so, I just assumed that you meant the dishes too." Daffy argued.

"Heh, you don't know how to cook. You couldn't even make a simple soufflé for Gordon Ramsey, if your brain was split in half. Oh, and  those ribs that you make all the time, they're nothing but frozen meat with marshmallows and powder sugar that was all warmed up in a microwave instead of an oven like a normal person would do." Bugs roasted which made Daffy irritated by him and tries to sting him back.

"And you couldn't be more creative if Einstein were to make a million times better of a lightbulb than your pathetic invention that you call a carrot peeler. Tuh, what a waste of good money and resources. Anyone with a brain could have up with that contraption, easily." Daffy said as Bugs turn to him and laugh when he got something better.

"Oh please, that car of yours, all decorated and such like a toddler learning their first ABCs. It's nothing but a larger version of you wearing a lei, like you have just been to Hawaii. A place that I know for sure you don't have the money for, because you have and I quote 'no job' to pay it off." Bugs said with sly smile as the two chatter on and on about their fight while Porky covered his head halfway with his hand in an irritated look.

"Guys, stop it." Porky said, embarrassed that his friends were acting like children.

"Haha. No Porky let them vent. This is actually kinda of funny seeing them fight like this. Besides, it's a slow day and we're the only ones in here. Might as well close up the shop for today" Speedy said as he locked the doors and made more pizzas for them while Porky was developing a small headache from their rants.

Normally, they would joke around every once in a while and it was fine for the others until it somehow got to be very annoying, fast.

Chapter 2:

The next time, which was about two weeks later after that day, the crew got together for this time, a dinner occasion and were all relaxing with steaming meals on their plates as Porky and Speedy once again try to start a normal conversation.

"So guys, I was thinking of having my very own food chain restaurant and I want to expand it to other locations here in California as well." Speedy announced as Porky looked over at him and was intrigued by the idea.

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