A friend, A companion: Requested by SonicYaoiFan

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*Authors's note: In this One Shot, the relationship status is: Strangers falling in love. In this story, Daffy gets married to a rich girl, only to realize too late that not everything is as it seems and runs off to the forest one day to escape from it all which led him to a bigger blessing than he could ever hope for in disguise. This fan art above is from Tumblr. Enjoy! :)

Chapter 1:

In a world where the poor dreams big, Daffy was one of the many who wishes he too would find happiness in his own version of Paradise, money.

Bulk wades of green that can get you anywhere in life.

However, it was rare for the impoverished folks like him to be rich, who only had so very few bucks to spend on, growing up.

Which was why he had to get out there and obtain it some other way.

Such as getting married to a beauty who sits on a bucket of cash at home from her high life career or old ancestry inheritance. 

And luckily for him, he found someone like that on his way to the market one day to buy fresh fruit.

Her name was Rosanna.

A famous actress whose dramatic theatrics and elegant style of singing made her the top of the most well-known celebrities in the country. 

Normally celebrities are all about pure beauty but she.... she was a champion, a true winner.

Her delicate blue eyes would make any guy in the world fawn over her while her bold confidence and determination strikes a match against other female who stands in her way.

All of which were more than a standard number of qualities that he needed for a bride.

After a couple days of small talk and quiet lunch dates, they went to a nearby church and got married in front of a pastor, but not before signing a prenuptial agreement, first.

At the time, he didn't really care much about losing all of his money to her when he leaves, just as long as he can still have a lavish life from it.

And everything seemed perfect from then on....

Until it wasn't.

Chapter 2:

There were good days and bad.

The good included having luxury parties, fine dining and exquisite trips from all over the world.

While the bad meant that he had sit there like a house man all day and wasn't able to spend a decent amount of time with her.

She turns down any intimacy from him.

She would constantly leave the house and comes home late every night.

She refused to sleep in the same bed as him and had them in two separate bedrooms.

And she wouldn't join him to visit his family for the holidays, claiming that they're all too dirt poor for her taste.

He couldn't even hold her hand except for the small times when the paparazzi would swoon in on the two to take photos for the magazines.

One day, Daffy decided to talk to her about the 'issue' with their marriage while having daily lunch at a bistro nearby.

But frankly, it didn't end as well as he thought it would.

Chapter 3:

After Daffy ordered a couple of Eggs Benedict for the two, he started talking first into the conversation.

Baffy: One Shot stories!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora