Safe with me: requested by SonicYaoiFan

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Author's Note: The relationship status is: best friends falling in love. In this particular one-shot, Daffy gets caught up in some uncomfortable troubles when he decides to dress up like a woman for the day. After being threaten by a couple of hooligans, Bugs decides to take matters into his own hands. The fan-art of the couple above is from Tumblr. I hope you guys enjoy this sweet noted and very courteous one-shot that will make you feel inspired 😊.

Chapter 1:

It was an typical Monday morning and Bugs had been up for about two hours now, making the usual coffee with breakfast for him and Daffy.

He decided to wait until Daffy got up to eat, so he grabbed himself a cup of the freshly brewed coffee and sat down on the table.

While he was sipping on his drink, Daffy climbed down the stairs with an odd clacking sound following behind him as if he was wearing woman's heels.

"Morning Bugs." Daffy greeted as he walked over to the kitchen to join Bugs.

"Oh good morning, Daf...." Bugs was going to say until Daffy's unusual new outfit with a long blond hair wig seem to have caught his attention in a matter of seconds and immediately spits out his coffee as an impulse.

Daffy quickly then, as a reflex, takes a couple of steps back to avoid the hot coffee spewing on his clothes.

"Ah! Hey! Watch where you spit! You're gonna to get it all over my new dress!" Daffy warned, who was irritated by his friends overreaction.

"Uh....I don't mean to judge, but why are you wearing that exactly?" Bugs asked, who was confused by the whole cross-dressing ordeal.

Normally he'd be pretty used to it by now from Daffy's other previous attempts at dressing up like a girl, but for some reason, it's still boggling his mind.

"Oh this? It's just the new blue and white polka doted dress that I've always wanted at that new big department store in the mall. I've been eyeing this outfit for weeks now and since I was able to buy it the other day with your credit card, I decided to wear it today." Daffy explained as Bugs gapped his mouth in shock when he heard the word 'credit card' from the conversation and flipped out.

"What?! You took my credit card again?! Which one was it?!" Bugs asked while frantically searching his wallet, hoping that the dress didn't outrank his credit by now.

Who knows how much Daffy was spending lately with his frivolous shopping.

Daffy then laugh at his friend's panic and tried to reassure him that it's fine.

"Pfft. Relax, it only cost me 20 bucks to get this one. But, that's beside the point. Look, what do you think? Do you like it? It's so pretty and gorgeous that I just had to get it." Daffy said while twirling his dress around a bit as Bugs slowly looked up at him and reacted in a very different form of nervousness with blushing blooming a little in his cheeks.

For the first time in a while, he could honestly say that the dress made him look very much beautiful.

More than what he would be able to complement himself when he wore various lady disguises for his scenarios.

But in a conflicting way, he felt like he had to break it down to him gently that it wouldn't be appropriate to wear it anywhere, due to a fear that he thought he never needed to worry about, until today.

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