Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"This will be a scandal, Gabriela!" my mother exclaimed. "You are disappointing! You haven't done anything good in this family! Such a disgrace!"

I got used to it. Those words are painful but maybe, because of hearing it countless times—again and again, it just made me numb.

I was in a cage, almost literally. They deprived people of seeing me beside my butler and my new attendant. She's beautiful, a bit older than me.

Basing to what I know, she's a far relative of hers. A cousin from the d'Alessi family, the reason why she got the same features as mine.

We looked alike. From the shape of our faces and her body. If she wears a mask, put a contact lens on her eyes and dress like me, I can say I am her and it was taken in advantage by my mother. She made her attend on my behalf instead, in disguise.

I couldn't go because of my condition and my mother come up with this idea. To still secure my slot as the next in throne for Italy.

"This is your milk, your highness," she informed as she walked inside the room.

I lowered the book I am reading and glanced her way, smiling.

"Thank you, Catherine,"

She smiled. She placed the glass of milk beside me before sitting near my feet.

"Do you want me to massage your feet again, my lady?" she asked.

My lips protruded, pouting.

"Yes, thank you, Catherine." I sighed loudly, "I don't want to bother you much but I felt really numb so I had to massage my feet but unfortunately, I can't reach it."

She chuckled, the way she moved reminded me of myself.

"It's okay, your highness. It's my duty to help you in times like this," she said in a soft voice and massaged my foot.

I just watched her silently, feeling a bit relax now that someone's massaging my numb feet.

When I first met Catherine, she was a very quiet girl. My mother already knew her and she was the one who brought her here to act on my behalf since I couldn't because of my situation.

I made it clear to my mother she couldn't force me do what I didn't like. That I'd rather lose the crown than losing the blessing I got.

I could easily be stripped off my title because of my situation and that's what my mother is avoiding. So, she sent Catherine.

Eversince she acted like me, her movements changed a lot. She can mimic how I move now, except the way I speak. Since, I'm medyo good na with Tagalog. Sometimes, I can't help but talk to Hernando in a conyo language and he would just look at me like I'm from another planet but wouldn't say anything naman.

One thing, it's not needed naman din for the conference since Catherine while she's being me is fully surrounded with guards. There is also a spoke person for her so she won't need to say any word.

She's doing great at it.

"How's the palace, Cath?" I asked.

"Huh?" she was shocked for a bit but composed herself afterwards. "It's good, your majesty. Same as before, nonstop conference."

"I'm so sorry to involve you into this," I sighed. "I know you've been living quietly but my mother dragged you here to pose as me."

"It's nothing, your highness." She smiled, "it's always my dream to be a princess, since I was a little so, this doesn't bother me at all."

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