Chapter 9

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Happy 4th  Anniversary, Archers! And a Happy Birthday to our Paper Plane, Ejercito Sandejas! We loveee youuuu! Happy four years!


Chapter 9

I always admired Little Mermaid's courage for stepping out of her comfort zone to venture in a whole new world. She's a princess, the daughter of King Triton. She was the king's favorite, she was loved. There are a lot of mermaids and merman expecting her to inherit the crown and she could easily have a lavish and amazing life but even after that, she never wanted the crown. All she wanted was life, happiness, songs

When she had a first glance at Prince Eric and saved him from drowning, she started watching him from afar until she fell in love. After that, none of it matter, all she wanted was to be with him. She did anything for it, even if she lose her wonderful voice and having the risk to turn into a sea foam.

I wasn't so sure how many times I read this story ever since I was a little girl. I used to have a Nana who loved telling me bedtime stories but then, when my mother found out she was reading me romantic princess' stories, she fired her and burned everything she gave me.

Ariel's story book was the only thing I saved from the fire and until now, I'm keeping it secretly inside my room in palace and if I wanted to escape the cage I'm in, I'll read it all over again.

I didn't know when my fascination with mermaids would stop or if it will ever be.

Staring at the calm sea, I can't help but smile. This vacation was the first time but it was and will ever be the best visit I had in this country, Brooklyn. We roamed around the city yesterday when we docked, I'm with G and we bought dresses together. The boys are with us too and Seb's presence made it extra special.

He was so patient with me. That kiss that very night was so special to me, it was very different from the first time. It was sweet, magical, unforgettable.

Did Ariel feel the same way too with Prince Eric? I wonder.

He took me to my room after, bid me a good night and made sure my room was lock before he left and the whole night, I was wide awake, smiling with such beautiful memory.

It was not a long time ago since I first met him. It's what? Barely two months? that's why it made me wonder how powerful this feeling is. Siguro I was naïve lang and it's my first time kaya I'm this swoon and attached to Seb but then, why does it feel like I've known him for an eternity?

"Yieee! Gab, crush ka nito, oh!" the voice stopped me from thinking too much. I shifted my face and a smile immediately engraved my lips when I saw Seb from the distance with the boys pushing him a bit.

He was frowning at the boys slightly pushing him.

"Ano ba, mga gagong 'to!" he hissed annoyingly, "h'wag nga kayong maingay—"

"Gab! Crush ka raw ni Baste!" Owen screamed and the annoyed Seb tried to hush him but it was too late because I heard it earlier pa.

He's still sporting the crumpled face when our eyes locked. His eyes widened. Like a soldier, he stood straight and formally almost immediately that I giggled when he brushed his hair with his fingers to fix his disheveled hair. I noticed his other hand's been hiding behind his back.

I smiled sweetly and waved a little. Blushing, he opened his mouth to speak but Ian who was silent behind him smirked and pushed him towards me.

His eyes turned into daggers.

"Parang mga ano, sinabi ko bang itulak n'yo 'ko?!" he hissed reluctantly, then lowered his voice a bit but I have good ears to even hear it. "Gago, hina n'yo tumulak, pakilakasan ng kaunti..."

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