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Restlessly your eyes jumped through the alleys while your legs carried on, not daring to slow down even once.

The hood pulled deep into your face you ran as fast as it was human,y possible. Air was burning inside your lungs while a sharp pain stabbed into your ribs over and over again.

The streets were so strangely empty, so deserted as if the world had suddenly died out.

Dirty rain fell from the grey sky and soaked your clothes. Everything was sticky and cold but you refused to stop anywhere.

Danger seemed to lurk at every corner.

Your heart was beating wildly in your chest as you jumped around a corner and looked up to check if Sevika was still following you.

With a grim expression, she nodded at you and pointed to the right.

You followed her instruction and took the new direction. The path led into a narrow alley, mud covered the ground and it stank of sewage and blood.

With one hand pressed over your mouth, you walked on, around another corner, and finally found yourself in an open square. Surprised, you stopped in front of the stature of a man.

"Vander!", you gasped, surprised by the sight.

Sevika jumped down to you.

"This should be a good place to wait.", she muttered, lighting a cigarette.

You didn't complain. This moment was stressful, you could hardly think clearly yourself. If smoking calmed her nerves, then you had no objection to it.

"Why are we here?", you turned to her, breathing hastily.

Her eyes wandered over the rooftops, checking every house and every shadow before she looked back at you.

"We need to have enough space to prevent getting trapped like rats.", she explained, taking a deep breath from her cigarette. "In case of a fight this will be a good arena."

"We have to get back to the last drop!"

"That's true, but to do that we would have to go through the whole Undercity. That would be too risky."

"So we just wait here?"

"Until he comes with reinforcements to get you. If Jinx hurries, it won't take long."

Sighing heavily, you buried your face in your hands.

A frustrated cry left your lips, so loud and painful that the ravens on the rooftops flew away in fright. When you looked up again, your hands trembled.

Your mind felt like it was trying to destroy you.

"Sevika.", your voice was shaking. "You... you saw him too, didn't you? The shadow?"

Breathing heavily, she watched you. Your sudden panic disturbed her.

"Are you confused?", she asked.

"I... don't know what to believe. He was... following us all the time, I felt it. But maybe I'm just imagining it."

"No, I saw him too."

"Did you see his face?"

"You were looking right at him."

"Answer my question!"

Her eyebrows rose in surprise when you suddenly shouted at her.

Your body trembled, you could hardly stand upright. Everything inside you felt as if it would shatter at any moment.

There was that pain again, so burning and hot that you wanted to scream.

"Samaritan.", cautiously Sevika tried to come closer.

But your mood suddenly changed.

You pulled the scalpel out of your coat, followed by the bomb that Jinx had made from the stolen things from the market.

"Don't take another step.", you growled. "Look at me, Sevika. Look at me! Now tell me, did you see his face?"

She frowned in confusion, but didn't dare to move.

"He had dark hair, a little older, maybe fifty.", she described him. "There was a scar that stretched up his neck to his face. But why do you want to know that?"

As she described the man, a sudden wave of emotion came over you. Tears welled up in your eyes and you couldn't help but whimper in pain.

"It can't be.", you wailed and lowered your hand. "I've killed him. Years ago. I saw him bleed to death. He was no longer breathing."

She still didn't know what you were talking about.

You let yourself fall on the edge of the well. The bomb slipped from your hand. With a click, it fell to the ground.

As Sevika came closer, she immediately grabbed it.

"Samaritan.", she looked at you with a frown. "What the hell is going on?!"

Your gaze rose. Your eyes were red, but empty as if you were already dead.

"The man is an enforcer.", you whispered. "Was an enforcer. He killed my son. And I killed him. I thought I was going crazy, it's not the first time I've seen his face. But this time he's really there. He is alive. Why?"

With bated breath she stared at you. The disbelief was clearly visible in her eyes.

"You had a child?!", she suddenly blurted out.

You furiously pulled a face.

"That's not the point!", you growled. "The question is how he survived. And how he found out where I am."

Suddenly, something lit up inside her eyes.

"How did he find out you would be at the shop this exact day to pick things up?", she thought out loud. "And how is he not afraid of you? Everybody knows your Silco's little pet... he must be shitting himself."

"Unless a large sum of money and some powerful names encouraged him.", you swallowed hard. "Finn and Renni. Fuck."

You buried your face inside your hands.

For a moment, it felt like the game was already over.

But as a strange feeling chased through your body, your head snapped up.

"Sevika, watch out!", you screamed and pushed her back.

Struck by surprise, she stumbled and fell to the ground. Rainwater splashed up.

The bullet hit your right shoulder. Tearing muscles and flesh apart, it chased through you like butter.

A hellish pain stabbed you, making your mind go crazy. Screaming in pain, you fell back into the fountain.

The statue of Vander looked down on you as blood mixed with clear water.

Your eyes were filled with tears and your ears were ringing.

Holding your breath, you closed your eyes and had to sort your mind. But in that exact moment, another bullet cut through the surface. It stroked your cheek, painful but gently.

A thin trail of blood danced through the water as it left a cut.

A shadow appeared on the surface.

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