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Sighing heavily, Sevika pushed open the door to the last drop and stretched her arms in the air to loosen her back.

The smoke from her cigarette followed her like a cloth dancing in the air, wrapping itself around her muscular body and seeping into the folds of her tattered clothes.
With an amused grin you watched her as a curse left her lips.

"Now off to bed, princess.", she growled, pointing to the stairs leading down to your room.

But you shook your head.

"I need to talk to Silco.", you headed for the stairs to the upper floor, but Sevika jumped in between.

Warningly, she looked at you.

"I don't want to take sides, but if I were you, I would talk to him some other time."

"He is angry."

She nodded.

"He's on fire."

"What are the chances that I will die?"

"Very high."

You sighed heavily, squeezing your eyes tightly shut and massaging the bridge of your nose with your thumb and forefinger.

"I have to talk to him.", you pressed out. "It's important."

"Even if you had the solution to all his problems, he wouldn't be pleased."

"I appreciate your concern, but it can't wait."

"It probably won't change your mind if I say that Jinx hasn't improved the mood today, will it?"

Surprised to hear her name, you raised your gaze.

"Jinx?", you asked, blinking a few times. "She's here?"

Puffing amusedly, Sevika crossed her wide arms in front of her chest to lean casually against the railing, still blocking the way up.

"Why shouldn't she be here?", she asked with a hint of irritation in her voice. "She's practically his most priced possession. The little brat has had a free pass on everything since she got here."

Caught by interest, you listened.

"Define everything."

She shrugged.

"Everything.", her gaze darkened. "Experiments with bombs and substances, explosives and mobile weapons that are all over the place. She once tinkered with my arm, and the thing suddenly became stiff and gave me electric shocks whenever I tried to move it."

"Sounds... special for a child."

"She finds it extremely amusing. The child can't be tamed, even Silco has his problems with her, but he doesn't want to discipline her and he certainly doesn't want to get rid of her either. He is enchanted, fuck knows why."

Chewing your lips thoughtfully, you nodded while her words echoed in your head. The description reminded you a lot of your children, wild and almost impossible to restrain.

The only difference between you and him was that you knew how to handle the situation. And that Jinx seemed to need a bit more care.

"Maybe he just needs some help...", you thought out loud and pushed past her, but stopped on the next step. "Ah, I have something else for you."

With a grin, you pulled a bottle from your pocket.

Skeptically, she eyed the container and the crystal clear liquid sloshing inside.

"What's that?", she asked, but took the gift anyway.

"Vodka. I told you I owe you one, for your help."

She nodded, but her enthusiasm was limited.

"I would have preferred to spend a day off with my girlfriend, but that's okay too."

Teasingly, you wiggled your eyebrows.

"Aha, a girlfriend... that kind of girlfriend?"

As if it was natural, she raised her eyes.

"Yes, my girlfriend. So if you catch him at a good moment..."

With a raised hand, you interrupted her.

"Already done.", you winked at her. "This time I've got your back. Go get drunk with her. I'll take the bullet."

Sevika hesitated for a moment. Doubt gleamed in her dark eyes. One eyebrow rose.

A sigh escaped your lips, you rolled your eyes but couldn't help grinning.

"I'm serious, Sevika!", you gestured for her to leave. "I'll take care of it. I keep my word. Always."

It took another moment, then she shrugged.

"Good luck in the lion's den then.", she waved goodbye before disappearing.

You could see the grin on her face. She was already planning your funeral.

Too bad you didn't want to give in. One thing that you and Silco had in common. If he had a bad day, at least you knew that nice words wouldn't do any good.

"Nothing I haven't already had to deal with...", you mutter, and climb the stairs to his office.

But on the last step you hesitated. Voices reached your ears. Cautiously you listened.

Jinx was definitely with him. She was whining, seeming to be resisting something. You couldn't hear exactly what Silco was saying, but the way he spoke sounded irritated.

His patience was wearing thin.

Frowning, you knocked.

Immediately the argument died down. Footsteps sounded, approaching.

With one mighty pull, the door was opened and the angered face of Silco appeared. His hair was messy, falling into his face as if he had wrestled with a bear only mere seconds ago. His breath was heavy and short, impatient.

As his thin lips moved, he wanted to burst out in anger, but stopped on the spot as he noticed it was you.

"Samaritan!", he gasped, letting out a deep, exhausted breath. "I don't know if I am supposed to be happy or furious to see you."

Pressing your lips into a thin line, you shrugged.

"Bad timing?", you asked.

"Bad and excellent at the same time.", straightening his back, he tried to fix his hair by letting his hands run through it but failed miserably. "Care to explain why you didn't show up today?"

"I had to organise some stuff.", your eyes jumped over his shoulder into the battlefield of an office. "Is everything alright? Did... did something explode in there?"

Quickly, Silco threw a warning glance over his shoulder to silently tell Jinx to sit her ass back down before he was about to forget himself.

"Let's discuss this inside, shall we?", inviting, he opened the door to let you slip in and throw it shut again. "Now, where were we?"

At loss for words, you remained standing frozen in the middle of the room, while your mind couldn't quite process what your eyes were seeing.

"What... the fuck?", you gasped. "Is that paint?"

"Pink and blue coloured black powder.", he said as if it was nothing special. "A little demonstration... that Jinx wanted to share with me..."

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