Traitor of Dawn

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She finally returns to the cot in the corner of the room, thoughts still swirling in her mind as she drifts into a fitful sleep.

Images of that latest battle, from the destroyed village, bodies everywhere. She can't suppress the anger that surges inside her at the sight of it again. This... it needs to stop.

The images finally drift away, though her anger is still boiling. The next thing she knows, she's standing in the center of a darkened area. A robed figure in the shadows. "It's upsetting isn't it, what the Jedi have become?" the figure suddenly speaks. His voice is dark almost sinister sounding, but at the same time there's a distinct amount of understanding in the tone. "War mongers, that's what they've become. They don't care about the good of the galaxy anymore; they'll do anything that the Senate tells them to do."

"They're losing their way," Barriss blurts out, hardly sure why she's talking to this person. Who even is he? But for some reason, she can't find it in herself to care. All she can feel is an overpowering fury over the way things are now. "I don't know how to stop them! I need to do something, but they won't listen to me."

"Those who lust after power never want to see the truth when it's shown to them," the figure says sympathetically, "The Council has fallen too far. The only way to get a message across to them is by doing something extreme."

Yes, something extreme. But like what would that be? Scream at them? As mad as she is, she can't exactly imagine herself doing that. Even if she did, they still wouldn't pay her any attention. "Yes, it must infuriating. They preach to use the Light Side, but there's nothing of the Light left in the galaxy anymore."

The being turns to face her, part of his face visible beneath his hood. Something about him almost reminds her of a Sith, setting her slightly on edge. "Barriss, you're the only one who can stop the path of destruction the Jedi are on now. You need to take action. They won't listen to reason. You must do something more."

"But like what?" she demands.

"Sometimes the only action they'll understand is by the blood of one of their one."

Her eyes narrow, and she stiffens slightly. "What – what you are saying?" she asks sharply. Is he implying that she should kill a Jedi? It's totally against what she believes in unless the person in question isn't a true Jedi.

"I'm not implying anything, my dear," he answers easily, "But just think. The only thing the Jedi Council believes in is violence. It may well be the only way to wake them up."


The visions of the dark figure don't stop, and while it concerns Barriss to a point, he's offering her guidance at a time when she has nowhere else to turn. Things are only continuing to escalate with the Jedi, and she can't sit back and do nothing anymore.

The figure from her visions is right. The only way to make a point to the Jedi is by the blood of their own, and she'll have to find a way of showing them it. Maybe it's not what she wants to do, but it's for the greater good. It isn't an attack on the Order; it's an attack on what they have become.

For a moment, Barriss almost wishes she could talk to Ahsoka about it, about everything she's realized, and how she thinks the Jedi should be. The Togruta is her best friend, and she wishes she could persuade her to her line of thinking.

"You see distracted," Ahsoka speaks up suddenly, bringing the Mirialan back to present.

"I have a lot on my mind," Barriss replies, smiling faintly, "I've been thinking a lot about... well, the Jedi."

She raises an eyemarking. "What do you mean?"

"The Jedi have... changed a lot from the beginning of the war," Barriss explains after a moment, "I know you didn't become a Padawan until afterwards, but I was before, and Jedi missions before were never anything like this."

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