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Lunch had gone well, Tae and I were able to talk and reminisce about the past. He had brought some of our photos that I had left at the apartment.

Us at the amusement park for our first official date, the night we went tandem bike riding, so many beautiful memories. I was a little sad because he was someone I thought I would spend my life with, but things happen for a reason and it's been for the best.

The more time I've had to think about it, the more I saw how we weren't equal or very compatible after all. I glossed over so many red flags saying he was stressed or busy when really that's who he was.

I walked out of there happy to have ended things on good terms, happy that I could officially close this chapter in my life and start a new one with the person who has brought my heart back to life. 

Tae asked to see me one last time Friday before he leaves and I found myself happily agreeing.

I went to Jimin's that night excited to see him, but his mood was still down. He smiled and we goofed around, had dinner but there was definitely something up that he wouldn't tell me about.

I decided early this morning that I'd lift his spirits. I showed up with his favorite apple pancakes and hot coffee. I convinced him to play hooky today and call in.

We spent the morning snuggled on the couch watching Austin Powers and laughing our asses off. Then I tried to make fried rice for lunch but it was terrible, eventually, Jimin came in to save me and we made homemade pizzas instead.

We were now trying to finish this 1000 piece Dragon Ball puzzle we have been working on for weeks. I was barely touching it, just quietly watching Jimin as he focused.

The way his plump lips naturally pouted as he concentrated on the pieces. The way his hair grazed his forehead and brushed against his eyelid, his sharp jawline that I had never noticed before.

He was beautiful inside and out, he truly always thought of others before himself. Always stopping to help strangers, dropping everything whenever Kookie or I needed help. He had stood up for me to my Mom and had meant what he said.

I had loved him as a boy and we may have lost our way for some time, but the man he is now...he was everything.

I love him, the way he holds my hand whenever he knows I am nervous about something, the way he sends me a good morning text every day and a good night one every night, the way he never tries to come in between Kook's and my friendship. How he is supportive of my work and any wild ideas I might have.

"Oh no, we are missing the last piece," he exclaims and instantly picks up the box and looks inside for it.

When he shakes it and nothing comes out, he drops off the chair and looks in the carpet under the table, desperate to find it. I giggle at his silly behavior, but he's oblivious to it, so focused on finding the piece.

"Got it!" he says excitedly, getting up off the floor and hovering over the puzzle.

"Do you wanna do it?" he asks turning to me with his bright smile.

"I love you, Jimin," I breathe out and confusion grazes his features before he smiles wide again, his eyes almost closing.

"I love you too, Viv. Do you want to do the last piece?" he asks extending it to me.

"No. I'm in love with you, Jimin," I say holding his gaze.

His hand drops and his eyes widen in surprise."What?"

"I'm in love with you, Park Jimin." He walks over to me and his hand cups my face, his thumb gently stroking my cheek.

"You're not lying? What about Tae?" his voice is low and shaky.

I shake my head and I can see his chest rising and falling as he takes deep breaths.

"Tae and I are over. I love you."

"I've been in love with you since the first day I met you, Viv. You with your vibrant personality and carefree attitude. You took a chance on me, the quiet awkward new kid, and from that day I was hooked. Hooked on how you made my heart bloom, how you made every experience with you seem fresh and new. How you were dealt some shit hands in life, but never let it bring you down. You were always happy, honest, and caring."

"Why did you never say anything?" I ask surprised that he too had felt the same for me even way back then.

I never remembered him as being the awkward kid. Yes, he was quiet, but he was always so cool, he got good grades, was respectful and as time went on made many friends.

"I just wanted to be great in life, Viv. I wanted to be able to take care of you and love you how you deserved, so I left for school and fucked it all up," his hand drops, and I quickly stand up, cup his face and make him look into my eyes.

"That doesn't matter anymore, Jimin. What matters is now. I don't need you to take care of me, I want you to be here with me, to stand by my side like you have been doing. I want you to continue to be my partner, to laugh with me, cry with me, to celebrate our achievements together...to love me the way I love you."

"I do love you, Viv, with everything I have. It's always been you," his hand tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and he leans down to connect our lips finally.

His kiss is gentle but firm, filled with all the love he's been holding in. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer as his arms wrap around my waist keeping me close.

"I won't be able to come back from this, Viv," he breathes against my lips.

"I love you, Jimin," I whisper again before reconnecting our lips.


Spring DayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora