🌼 26

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I was furious as I sat beside her driving down the street as she cried.

I should have said something earlier, I should have told her the truth when I had a chance. How could I believe that he would stop cheating when he's proven time and again that he wouldn't.

Working late.

Can't he come up with a better excuse? It's past 1 in the morning and he's a fucking painter, he doesn't need to be working late!

Viv's tried to pull herself together by the time I pull up in front of my apartment. Quietly wiping her tears, she takes a deep breath and gives me a small smile as she opens the door to get out.

Once we make it upstairs, I settle her on the couch and quickly rush to my room. I get some sweats and a tee for her and pull off the comforter and a pillow from my bed to take back to her.

When I walk back into the room, I can see her hunched over her phone. I quietly walk over and I can see the messages over her shoulder.

Tae Bae🐯💕:

Why are you at Jimin's?

Gorgeous 💕:

Why do you even care where I am?

Tae Bae🐯💕:

Come home now. I'll unlock the door for you.

I clear my throat before she can reply and she jumps a little in surprise.

"I brought you a change of clothes and a blanket and pillow," I offer her the items in my hands and she gently takes them and places them beside her on the couch.

I make my way to the armchair across from her and sit down. I watch her as she fidgets in her spot.

"Why were you crying, Viv?"

"Just upset me and Kookie fought again," she mumbles, but I can tell she's lying.

The way she won't make eye contact with me and picks the lint on her pants is a dead giveaway.

"Things okay with you and Tae?" I ask and watch as her figure tenses.

"Fine," she says again quietly, still avoiding looking at me.

"You can tell me anything you know, Viv?" I say and she nods her head.

Her phone dings back to back and she picks it up, reading a few messages before sighing and rubbing her temples.

"Thanks, Jiminie. I know you brought me all the way here, but I should probably just head home, Tae's waiting for me," she stands and pats her sides.

"Just stay the night, it's already late. I'll take you back in the morning," I try and reason with her, but she shakes her head.

Her phone dings and she sighs again, my jaw clenches. "Tae's waiting for me."

She moves to the door putting on her shoes and my stomach turns in indescribable ways. The thought of her going back home to him not knowing what he's been doing has me making a bold decision.

"Don't go," I suddenly say and she freezes in her spot.

"What?" she slowly turns around and I gulp as I stand firm in my place.


"I'm not confessing here, don't worry," I quickly rush out and she nervously chews on her lower lip.

"Just stay here tonight. We need to have a serious conversation," I plead with her.

"I need to go, Jimin," she opens the door and the thought of her walking out has my mouth moving before I can even contemplate what I'm about to say.

"He doesn't love you," I snap and watch as her breath stops. "Taehyung doesn't love you, Viv"

I step up to her and look down at her holding her gaze, "he's cheating on you."

The silence stretches between us as I watch her blink, her eyes wide as she stares up at me. I watch as the emotions in them change from shock to anger and then denial.

"Why would you say that?" her voice is tense.

"What?" I ask raising a brown in surprise.

She grits her teeth and pushes me hard away from her. I don't move very far, but enough for her to have some personal space.

"Now you want to make up lies about Tae?" her voice raises and she runs her fingers through her hair in a stressed way. "How pathetic do you have to be?"

"Pathetic!" I taunt back angrily. "I'm pathetic, but you're so naive you can't even put the pieces of the puzzle together to see that Tae is cheating on you!"

"Are you serious right now? All of this because I'm not in love with you, Jimin!" She shouts.

"Excuse me?!" I'm fueled with rage as we face each other, "do you really think I'd lie about this to you? For what, Viv? I'm not that thirsty for you!"

Tears build in her eyes as she glares at me.

"We shouldn't have gotten to know each other again. Leave me and Tae alone."

"You really are just going to call me a liar? His late nights at work, not coming home for days on end despite not having any new work to show?" I scoff as her fists clench at her sides.

"Fuck you! You don't know what you're talking about! I don't believe you!"

"But you believe him?!" My voice booms loudly. I'm at my wit's end, somehow I've become the bad guy when I only wanted her to know the truth.

"Tae is playing you like a fool and you're falling for it! How stupid are you? You have never been this clueless."

Her breath hitches and we are both panting heavily as we lock eyes. The connection we once had is now severed and she's staring at me with pure hate.

"I'm stupid," she snorts out humorlessly. "I'm stupid for ever thinking we could go back to being friends after seven years of radio silence. I'm stupid for trusting you again against my better judgment and I'm stupid for even coming here in the first place," her words are like venom as she hurls them at me. I can feel my heart breaking in my chest.

"Tell me, Jimin, how did you know about my trip to Canada?" a lump forms in my throat and my heart sinks into my stomach as she glares at me.

How does she know I know about that? Tae...

I finally swallow the lump in my throat and take a step back. "I uh, I know becau-"

"I don't want to hear your lies, Jimin. This is over," she speaks lowly and my eyes widen.

"Viv, wait."

She looks at me one more time before turning around and leaving my apartment. And when that door slammed shut, it was clear to me that I'd fucked up and Tae was right, he was okay and here I was hurting.

It's over.


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