🌼 37

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"I'm so glad you're home! Three months is too long to be without you!" I whine and settle under the blanket next to Kookie.

Our typical set up of drinks and sweets is spread out on the coffee table. Jimin left after breakfast to give me and Kookie time to catch up, but I did not miss the eyes he made at us on his way out.

"It looks like you didn't miss me at all, Av," he pouts beside me and takes a sip of his drink.

"Of course I did, you big baby. But Jimin was great company while you were away," I playfully ruffle his hair and then lean on his shoulder.

"Tell me all about your trip."

Kook goes on and on about how large the crowds were and how much he loved being in the DJ booth and seeing the people love his mixes. He told me all about this stubborn girl who was in charge of the itinerary. He swore she was a pain, but I can tell she's made her way under his skin because even though he's complaining, there's a huge smile on his face and a glimmer in his eyes.

"You should invite her out with us to the bar this weekend to celebrate with me and Jimin," I suggest and he looks at me confused.

"What are you guys celebrating?" he asks confused.

"Well, you being home, but also... they finally are making me a broker, Kookie! I'm gonna be in charge of a team!" I answer happily.

"Shut the front door!" he jumps up excitedly.

"We are going out for dinner! I can't believe it, I'm so proud of you, Av!" he pulls me into his tight embrace before dragging me out the front door.

"I don't have my purse!" I protest as he pushes me into his car.

"You don't need it," he gives me his dumb bunny smile as he climbs into the driver's seat.

We pull up in front of a place I know very well. "I saw this place when I was on my way home this morning, I know how much you love pasta."

I follow along with him and happily greet the owner, "Yoong's so good to see you."

The man turns around slowly and the stern look on his face is replaced with a wide gummy smile. "I told you not to call me Yoongs, Aviva."

"You love it," I tease and he rolls his eyes at me before turning to Kookie.

"I see you have a new date tonight. Yoongi," he says holding out his hand to Kook. "Welcome to my place, I hope you brought your appetite."

"Jungkook and I sure did, it smells amazing in here," they shake hands and Yoongi excuses himself saying he's going to get our usual table ready.

"Sooo, you come here a lot with a date?" Kookie says with a smirk waiting for me to explain myself.

"It's not like that. I'm not dating, me and Jimin just come here a lot. Their Alfredo is to die for," I quickly defend myself.

Before Kook can say anything else, the hostess lets us know our table is ready. My phone dings just as we sit down and I smile seeing the name.

Jiminie 🐣💙:

I think we should take Kookie to Yoongi's sometime this week.

Viv 🌼💛:

Well funny that you would mention Yoongi's cause we are currently here. 😅

Jiminie 🐣💙:

The betrayal!😨

Disgraceful! 😢

I'm so hurt Viv! 😭

Without me really? 😔

Viv 🌼💛:


Calm down drama queen we just got here!

Come join us. I'll order your favorite for you. It will be nice and hot by the time you get here. 🥰

Jiminie 🐣💙:

This is why I love you!😍

See you guys soon!

"Who's got you smiling like that?" Kookie says with a raised brow.

"I'm just texting Jimin. He's on his way here to join us," I say and tuck my phone into my purse.

"You seem better, happier," his head tilts as he stares at me like he's trying to figure something out.

The waitress comes over and takes Kookie's order, I then order mine and Jimin's usual. Once she leaves I put my focus back on Kook.

"I am. It was tough, but I haven't even thought about Tae lately," I pick up my water and take a sip.

"Well, that's good."

"It's all because of you and Jiminie. I don't know what I would have done without you two," Kookie smiles but shakes his head.

"I haven't done anything, Av, I've been gone for months. It's because of him, I knew you two would fall right back in together."

"Jimin has been amazing, you're right, but you are my best friend, you gave me a place to stay, took care of me before you left, and checked in every chance you got. It was both of you."

"I'm here!" Jimin reaches our table and bumps fists with Kook before giving me a hug. He pulls the seat out between us and sits.

The waitress comes back with our dishes and I'm smiling from ear to ear when Jimin naturally takes my plate, scoops half of my Alfredo into his dish, and gives me half of his spaghetti.

"Bon appétit, you may eat," he claps his hands and starts mixing the pasta together.

I laugh and mix mine up, then take a bite and hum in satisfaction. "Do you wanna try our pink sauce, Kookie?"

He looks between the two of us and smiles before taking my proffered fork. "This is really good, what made you think to do this?"

"Viv kept eating half of my spaghetti, so I just started giving her half at the beginning of our meals. Then she felt terrible and started to give me half of hers. the sauces started to naturally mix and it was delicious, the rest is history," he laughs taking another forkful of pasta into his mouth.

The meal passes with jokes shared between the three of us. We reminisced about our high school days and I told Jimin all about Kookie's new crush despite his protests that he despised the girl. Kookie eventually agrees to invite her out with us this weekend and his face is beet red the whole time he's on the phone with her. Me and Jimin are snickering happily as Kookie shoots us a glare.

Jimin excuses himself to the bathroom and Kookie focuses his attention on me, a mischievous smile on his face.

"You like him," he says wiggling his eyebrows.


"Jimin, stupid."

"Of course I do! He's my friend I already told you Kookie I couldn't have made it through this without you two."

"Nah, Av, I know you. You like him, he's brought life back into you. I haven't seen you smile like you have tonight in years. You look great, no ugly bags under your eyes, you have been cheerful and laughing, you made new friends, that's all because of him. He's brought back the Aviva I know and love," he picks up his beer and takes a sip holding eye contact with me as he slowly puts it back down.

"And you like him, Av," Kookie's eyes dart to something behind me and I turn to see Jimin walking back to us.

He smiles at me and I find myself smiling back. Kookie's words wash over me, but is he right? Do I like him more than a friend?


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