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"Well, then it's official, you're moving in," Kook says munching on the last bit of my funnel cake.

"I can't just move, Kookie," I sigh as I lean back on the couch placing my legs over his lap.

"Sure you can! He's gone too far this time, Av! how long are you gonna keep making excuses for him?" he argues but still tugs the blanket over my legs to keep us warm.

"I'm not making excuses."

"Then why can't you leave? Because you 'love' him?" he asks with his annoying finger quotes.

"No, idiot," I nudge him with my knee and a loud oof escapes him.

"The apartment is in my name," his features scrunch up and he turns to me narrowing his eyes.

"Didn't you move in with him?" I avoid his eye contact and pull on my finger nervously.

"What else is in your name, Av?" his voice has dropped low and menacing.

"Everything," I whisper.

"Son of a bitch! Av, what are you doing, you've never been this dumb!" I can feel the tears threatening to fall and keep my head hung low.

"I've never liked him, but this is it, if I see him I'm not holding back. How could you let it get this far? He's a selfish prick who thinks he's better than everyone, he blows you off and now I find out you have been supporting him this whole time! He'd better have a golden dick because I don't understand, Av! You cut off Jimin and you knew him for years and then you let this piece of shit just keep dragging you down!"

Kookie's words hit me like a whip and I recoil as he hurls his words at me. He stands up pacing and ranting about how I'm being dumb. I pull my knees up to my chest and try my hardest to not cry, but before I know it, I can't stop the sobs that wrack my body.

"Hey, shh. Av, stop crying, I'm sorry," Kook crouches down in front of me pulling me into his embrace.

"I didn't mean to yell at you, I just am so angry," he pulls away from me and wipes the tears off my face. "You deserve better, Av."

"I love him, I'm sure there's a reason why he didn't show up."

"Stop making excuses for him, Av. Unless he was physically hurt or someone died there's no reason for him to not have shown up. He left you alone at your mom's, I don't even know why you were there in the first place. You avoid your mom like the plague."

"He wanted to go, he thinks family is important," Kook inhales a deep breath and pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue.

"Av, you're so different since getting with him. I hardly see you, you've been stressed, you went to go see your mom alone," he tilts my chin up so I'm looking into his eyes. "Are you even happy?"

His eyes soften at the shake of my head. "Do you wanna stay here for a while?"

"Yes, please," I say through a snivel.

"Great, let's go to bed. You look like a gremlin I dropped water on," he teases pulling me up from the couch.

"Fuck you. I'm cute," I say punching his arm.

He gasps and rubs his arm as he pouts. "Your fingers are too boney, that hurts, Av!"

"Talk shit, get hit. You know the rules," I laugh as I race past him and up the stairs to his room.

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