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"Hi, welcome my name's Av-" I stop surprised seeing the young girl in front of me.

"It's you! Hannah right?" I reach out to shake her hand and she nods softly.

I usher her into my office and sit back behind my desk as she makes herself comfortable in the plush chair in front of me.

"So how can I help you today?"

"Me and my boyfriend are looking for an apartment to share," she nervously clasps her hands in her lap.

"Oh, that's great! Will he be joining us today?" I ask keeping my voice light and cheery trying to ease her nerves.

Lots of young couples come in scared. It's the first time most have ever lived with a significant other and it brings lots of emotions.

"Not today, he's a painter and works a lot."

"I totally get that, my boyfriend is also a painter and gets tied up in work quite often," I smile when she finally looks up at me.

"Tell me about your budget and certain things you are looking for in your new home."

45 minutes later, we are piling into my car with a small list of apartments that fit what they are looking for. She's a quiet girl and doesn't really say much. The first apartment wasn't to her liking because the kitchen was too small, the second one didn't fit because the walls were too thin.

We could hear the tenants next door arguing and she made a comment about how her and her boyfriend like to get loud and this wouldn't work. Her comment took me off guard she had barely said anything but that's what came out of her mouth. I just smiled and nodded before passing it off as her being young.

We were walking around the third apartment it had everything she wanted. It was close to the gallery, had a second bedroom they could use as a studio, an island in the kitchen giving her the space she wanted and the walls seemed to have a good thick layer between them that would give her and her boyfriend the privacy they needed for their late nights.

My phone rings and I answer it while Hannah wanders around the apartment.

"Hey baby, how's your day going?" I answer happily.

"Great, but I'll have to work late tonight, that's why I was calling, I'm so sorry, Gorgeous."

"It's alright! I understand."

"You're the best you know that?"

I giggle listening to him tell me about the things he loves about me. Hannah walks back into the living room and I hold up a finger asking for a minute.

"Okay baby, I'm showing a place right now I'll see you when you get home."

"Okay, Gorgeous. I love you."

"Love you too," I say before hanging up the phone and stuffing it into my pocket.

"So, what do you think?" I ask hoping this will be to her liking.

"Hmm, I don't know. I like it but I don't know if he will," she shrugs with her back to me.

"We can always come back and show him and get his opinion," I suggest and she lazily glances at me over her shoulder.

"He works a lot, I don't think he will have time. He's left it all up to me."

I have to mentally stop myself from rolling my eyes. She's purposely making this more difficult as the time goes on and now with her dismissive attitude. I'm starting to get annoyed. I plaster my work smile back on my face and take a deep breath reminding myself she's young and it's my job to work with clients who are fickle.

"Tell me a little about him so I can get a feel for what he might like," I suggest and she turns back around to me with a spark in her eyes.

"Well my boyfriend Ta-, well he is quite serious, focuses hard on his work, but at the same time very cuddly," she runs her hand along the couch and continues talking.

"He went to school out of the country and lives here now with a roommate he's dying to get away from," she locks eyes with me, but there's a hint of something in hers. Annoyance?

"Oh gosh and he sure does have a high sex drive, he's completely insatiable," she shoots me a smirk and I'm more than a little taken aback.

"Is there a problem here, Hannah?" I ask confused about what's brought on this change in the quiet girl who was in my office a few hours ago.

"Don't you like it most when he growls in your ear right before he's about to finish?"

"Excuse me?"

"Or what about how he loves to hold eye contact right when he's about to enter you," she steps into my personal space and I stare at her confused.

"My favorite thing about Taehyung is his little moles," my brows furrow and I step away from her. "The cute one at the tip of his nose, the small one under his eye, and of course the one that's right on his hip."

"I think that's enough, you will have to leave," I say angrily.

"Why? We share a boyfriend, I think we should have a chat," she drops herself onto the couch putting her feet upon it.

"We do not share a boyfriend," I say between clenched teeth, "he would never do something like that."

"Hmm if you say so," she says with a bored tone, "I'll be meeting with him later on at around 10 if you don't believe me."

"Where?" I ask trying not to let her words affect me.

"At his studio over on 5th, I'll see you there, won't I?" she says pulling herself off the couch and brushing past me with a stupid smirk on her face.

It feels like my world is crashing down around me when the door slams. He wouldn't cheat on me, but the words that came out of her mouth had me doubting everything I knew about him.

I can't break down right now.

I slowly gather my composure and straighten myself up, taking deep breaths to try to calm my own hectic emotions. I just have to make it 'til tonight and see if what she's saying is true. I gather all of the paperwork and lock up the apartment before heading back to the office to try and bide my time.


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