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"Have a good life Taehyung," Hannah smirks at me as I walk her to the door.

She pulls me down to her and presses her lips forcefully against mine but I stay frozen and don't kiss her back.

"I hope you get everything that's coming to you," she whispers against my lips as she pulls away and walks out the door slamming it behind her.

I hadn't meant to pass out with her last night, so when I woke up this morning realizing I never made it home to the woman waiting for me, I was ashamed and more than a little disgusted with myself.

I woke Hannah up and basically threw her out of the studio as I tried to clean myself up. I groaned when I noticed the hickeys littering my neck that Hannah purposely left.

How was I gonna explain these to Aviva?

I pull out my phone and block Hannah's number, praying she will keep her word and stay away from now on. I lay back on the small bed trying to figure out my next move as I scroll through my Instagram feed. I see Kookie has posted a new photo of him and Aviva having mimosas.

She must have been upset I didn't come home last night if she was out drinking with him. I already feel stressed and my day has barely started. I rake my hands through my hair, pull myself into the kitchen and a small glare catches my eye.

My heart drops as I realize what's laying on the small island. A pair of keys that are painted on the top so Aviva could remember which key is for which place. Grey for my studio since it was my favorite color and red for our home because that's where our love lives.

Why are they here?

I'm questioning myself, but I already know the answer deep in my heart. I pull out my phone going to dial her number, praying to anyone who is listening that I'm wrong. But as I'm met with her voicemail continuously, I know I'm not. Hannah's words from this morning echo in my thoughts and I realize I was set up and I let my stupid self fall for it.

My panic sets in and I rush home hoping she'll be there so I can talk and explain before she makes any big moves. I slam the front door open as soon as it's unlocked.

"AVIVA!" I shout as I look around but the house is empty.

I notice that her clothes are gone, her little glass jellyfish that she kept on the dresser, and all the photos of her friends that were around the house, but our photos were left behind. My hands grip the keys tightly as I try to regulate my breathing, the groves piercing my skin from how tightly I'm gripping them.

I remember that day clearly, she sat happily at the kitchen table painting her keys as I made some dinner for us. We were so excited to finally be taking the next step in our relationship. We were so in love, the thought of another woman never even crossed my mind, Aviva was all I'd ever need.

I feel my hot tears start to roll down my face and angrily wipe them off. This isn't the end, I'll talk to her, explain and get her back. I call an uber and give him the address as I anxiously bounce my leg in the car.


"You got a lot of fucking nerve coming here!" Jungkook roars.

"I need to talk to her," I plead, and before I can even process what's happening, I watch his fist cock back and swing forward with all his weight behind it.

I wasn't prepared and my head snapped back, a loud crack rings in my ears as I try to steady myself. My eyes water, a sharp stinging pain is felt right between my eyes. I can already feel my nose swelling as the warm wet feeling of my own blood rapidly falls down my mouth and chin.

"She doesn't want to talk to you," he spits out as he towers over me, murder clear in his eyes.

"Don't fucking come back here or I'll do a lot worse than giving you a broken nose." he swiftly turns on his heels and slams the door behind him. Not wanting to test my luck, I decided to head home. I can catch her at work and talk to her safely.

As I stare at myself in the mirror, I can see that both my eyes are already sporting bruises, I hiss in pain as I tenderly try to clean up the blood on my face. My nose is tender to the touch and even the slightest bit of pressure makes my eyes water.

While I'm in the middle of cleaning myself up, the doorbell rings. I quickly rush to open it hoping it's Aviva wanting to talk, but sadly I'm met with the landlord.

"Hi Taehyung," he looks directly at my swollen and bloody face, and his smile drops. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say brushing off his concern, "do you need something?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," he says clearing his throat.

"I just wanted to follow up with you. There are only 13 days left in your lease so I wanted to know if you will be renewing it under your name? Aviva has already informed me that she will not be renewing for the apartment or studio because she has found a new place to stay."

I stand there in complete shock at his words. Trying to make sense of how she's already planned all of this.

I can't afford either place on my own! Where the fuck am I expected to live? How will I move all the furniture?


I shake my head and ask him if he can give me a few days to decide. He agrees and says he will need an answer by Wednesday, which only gives me three days to figure out how to win Aviva back and stop myself from being homeless.


When my three days were up, I was still unable to get in contact with her. She hasn't been to work, I've been blocked on all her social media accounts and even Kook has blocked me, so there's no way I can even see where she might be.

I've started to box up my clothes and work items I can't leave behind. It was a pain in the ass to move the easel Aviva got me to the workroom at the gallery, but I managed to do it. I was down to my last 100 dollars, I'd spent so much Ubering between both places trying to store what I could at work.

It's my last day in the apartment and I look around annoyed at all the things I'm leaving behind. How could she just leave everything we built without even talking to me first!

I had to tell the landlord that I wouldn't be renewing and that any items left behind could go to the next tenant. I couldn't take any of it with me, hell, I didn't even know where I was going to go for now! I stop by the front office to leave the keys and step out into the street.

The only thing I'm taking today is a small box of the photos she left behind. I'm angry at her for this stunt she's pulling, but still unable to leave these. I love her and she knows that she's just mad, when we finally get a chance to talk and make up, I know she'll be happy I've saved them.

There's one place I can try to go to, I don't know how well it will go, but it's the only chance I have at a warm bed. I order an Uber once again and hope this pays off as I sit in the backseat. The driver continuously makes eyes at the two shiners I'm sporting and I eventually turn my head to look out the window until we reach my destination.

I nervously walk into the apartment building and up to the floor, I know very well. I knock on the door and my palms sweat as I hold the box in my hands. I hear the locks click as the door is slowly pulled open.

Shit! That's not a good look.

"What are you doing here?"


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