🌼 13

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My palms are sweaty and my heart's still racing. That was a whole new experience for me and when it came down to it, I panicked and was absolutely useless. It all happened so fast, I wasn't expecting Mrs. Mongillo to just attack her like that.

Even now I have no idea how to comfort Viv as she silently sits beside me trying to stop herself from crying. If our friendship wasn't strained, I would have wrapped her in my arms and let her cry it out, promising things would get better, but with things the way they are now I doubt she'd let me, she won't even look at me, I saw her shoot a text of before locking her phone and since shes just sat completely silent lost in her own thoughts.

When I asked where she wanted to go, I was hoping she'd ask to come back to mine, but that was just wishful thinking. I was no longer her comfort, and I could only blame myself that Kook was the one she needed.

His front door was open and he was rushing down the front steps before I could even finish parking. Shock and then fear flit across his face as he sees me in the driver's seat. He smoothly goes around to her side, pulling the door open and crouching to be level with her.

"What happened, Av?" his voice is laced with concern as she stays looking down into her lap.

"Kookie," her voice croaks.

He moves so fast I almost miss it. He's unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her out of the car and into his arms. As soon as her face is buried into his chest I see her shoulders slump and can hear her small cries.

"Shh shh, it will be okay, Av. Let's go inside, yeah?" I can see the love in his eyes as he looks down at her trying to soothe and comfort her.

I step out of her car and follow quietly behind the pair into the warm house.

"Wait here, I'll get our stash," he says as he ushers her to the couch and quickly bolts out of the room.

"Here Viv," I hold out the keys to her and it's then she realizes I'm still here.

She sits up straighter and frantically wipes the tears from her eyes. "Uh, thanks, Jimin."

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask praying she'll want to open up to me.

"No offense, Jimin, I really appreciate your help with my mom today and we will talk, but I just...I just need to be with Kookie tonight."

Fuck, that stings.

"Oh, okay. I get it. Can I get your number this time at least? So I can text you and make sure you're okay later?" I hold my phone to her and to my surprise she takes it and types in her number without a single protest.

"Okay, I got everything!" Kookie rushes back in with a blanket wrapped over his shoulder, a bottle of coke and a bottle of jack tucked under each arm, two plates of funnel cakes, and two plastic cups pinched between his fingers.

He dumps everything on the coffee table and tosses the blanket at Viv before turning to me. "Thanks for bringing her man, do you need a ride or something?"

"Nah, I messaged for an Uber. It will be here in a few minutes," Kook settles on the couch beside Viv pulling part of the blanket onto his lap.

It's an awkward silence as I stand around waiting for my ride while he hands her a funnel cake and starts mixing drinks for the two of them. I feel like I don't belong, I'm an outsider. It sucks because I remember the late nights the three of us used to have, goofing around blasting music.

On the same token, I'm glad that someone was there for her when I wasn't. That she hadn't been alone all these years. But as the pair get comfortable and I see them sitting close I can't help but be envious. I never had another friendship as close as the one I had with them and I miss it. Kook tries to make light conversation with me as I wait around but the awkwardness doesn't dissipate and I find myself staring at Viv who hasn't said a word.

After the longest 10 minutes of my life, I'm finally notified that my car's here and I say bye to the two promising to text once I get home. Just as I'm about to head out of the house, there's a tug on my arm. I turn to see Viv holding the sleeve of my jacket. She tucks some of her hair behind her ear and her beautiful eyes finally look up into mine.

"Thanks, Jimin. Really, for everything today. I'm sorry you had to see and be a part of it."

"Don't mention it, Viv. I'm here if you need me, just a text or call away, okay?" I shake my phone a little and offer her a smile which she returns.

"I won't be a stranger. Have a good night, Jimin. Merry Christmas," to my utter surprise, she wraps her arms around my waist and hugs me.

I don't even hesitate as I quickly wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly, breathing in her smell.


She always smells like flowers, even in the middle of a cold gloomy winter day, she reminds me of a warm spring day. The hug ends sooner than I would like and she steps away from me. I wave one last time and head out to the car, feeling a little lighter than I did when we first talked this morning.

My phone dings and I pull it out thinking maybe she had changed her mind and wanted me to hang out with them.

Taelephant 🐘

It's not Viv and I'm a little disheartened. I see his silly name on my lock screen and laugh at it. The name stemmed from him trying to use the two moles on his arm to make an elephant, that he would show girls as a way of starting a conversation. It was terrible, but the girls thought it was adorable and he was soon dubbed Taelephant by the local sorority.

He liked to boast it was from what he had in his pants, but that was a complete lie. I was one of the only people who knew it came from his dumb little moles and would never let it go. I'm still a little miffed with Tae's behavior, but he's my friend, and getting drunk with him sounds better than sitting at home reminded I no longer fit with my best friends.

Taelephant 🐘:

What are you doing?

Wanna come to my studio for a drink?

Mochi 🍡:

Sure send me the address!


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