🌼 11

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"Are you okay?" I almost jump out of my own skin when Kookie sneaks up behind me, leaning over my shoulder.

"He's still not answering?" he questions with a scowl.

"He worked late last night, I'm sure he just overslept. He will be here soon, he's got the gifts with him! He was super excited to come and celebrate," I nervously explain.

Kookie already dislikes Tae, I'm not trying to make things worse. I quickly tuck my phone into my pocket and lace my arms with his.

"Stop being grumpy," I plead with my best puppy dog eyes.

"You have got to stop making excuses for him, Av. You can do sooo much better." he pats the top of my head and I playfully swat his hand away.

"I heard your mom made our favorite, lets go get some?" I say ignoring his statement. I give him a smile and he rolls his eyes at me.

"We will talk about this later, Av," he sighs out.

"OK, but not today, I don't want to fight on Christmas," he nods his head in agreement as we start walking arm and arm.

"Fine. Mom's looking for you, the funnel cakes are nice and warm," he visibly has a pep in his step as he pulls me through the crowd of friends and family who have gathered at his house for Christmas breakfast.

He abruptly stops causing me to smack right into his muscular back and hurt my nose.

"What the hell, Kookie!" I whine as I rub my tender nose.

He quickly spins around, grabbing my shoulders to hold me in place.

"Remember how I'm your bestest friend in the whole world and I got you that very expensive new briefcase you wanted for Christmas."

"What did you do, Jeon?" my voice drops, and my eyes narrow onto his nervous figure.

"I uh, I invited Jimin so you have to play nice, okay? Cause he's in the kitchen with mom!" he flashes me his weird smile with his clenched teeth.

I can't just leave. Tae's probably on his way with the gifts and Mrs. Jeon would be heartbroken. But I'm definitely not ready to speak with Jimin. He wants to act like everything is fine and we can just pick up our friendship like nothing happened, but I can't. The damage has been done. I forgive him, but I don't trust him. It was easy for him to just forget me and everything we had been through and I don't think I could handle letting him in again for him to just up and leave me as soon as he gets busy with life again.

"I'll be with you the whole time, Av, I promise," he reassures me clearly reading the thoughts in my mind. I nod my head and allow him to lead me into the kitchen.

"Aviva baby, you're just in time! They are cool enough to eat but hot enough to keep the honey warm," Mrs. Jeon says cheerily as she pushes a plate towards me.

"Thanks, Mom!" I avoid making eye contact with Jimin who is quietly sitting at the island eating his own funnel cake.

Kookie leans against me and reaches over, taking some of my funnel cake and shoving it into his mouth.

"HEY! THAT'S MINE, YOU GREEDY PIG," I protest snatching my plate away from him as he goes for another piece.

"Sharing is caring, Av," he teases and playfully pulls the plate closer to him.

"It's not sharing if you eat the whole thing and I only get one piece, Jeon!" I grumble and try and pull the plate from Kookie's death grip on it.

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