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November 1st

Tae Bae🐯💕:

Hey, Gorgeous I'll pick you up from work tonight! 🥰

Gorgeous 💕:

lol, why? 😬

I'll be off late...

Tae Bae🐯💕:

I'll come keep you company and bring food!

I don't like you trying to catch the bus late at night. 🥺

Gorgeous 💕:

You are the absolute sweetest do you know that?! 😘

Tae Bae🐯💕:

I'll see you soon Gorgeous! 😘


November 25th

Jungkookie 🙄🐰💜:

Are you sure it's a good idea?

It's only been like 7 months Av! 😤

Av 😒🌻🥰:

Your overreacting Kookie! 🙄

I'm just moving in not getting married lol

Jungkookie 🙄🐰💜:

Omg! You better not! 😡

He doesn't even like me I hardly see you now! 😩

Av 😒🌻🥰:

He does too! I've just been busy but you will see me all day Saturday!

Jungkookie 🙄🐰💜:

I will???

Av 😒🌻🥰:
Umm yeah, cause I need you to help me move furniture... 👉🏻👈🏻

Read 2:27 pm

Please!!! 🥺🙏🏻

I'll buy you snacks!!

Jungkookie 🙄🐰💜:

Ugh, your lucky I love snacks.

Av 😒🌻🥰:

You mean you love me 😌

Jungkookie 🙄🐰💜:

Yeah yeah, whatever. See you Saturday.


December 5th

Tae Bae🐯💕:

We need to come to an agreement Gorgeous.

How about we do Christmas eve at Jungkook's, and then on Christmas day we do the morning at your parents, and the afternoon at mine?

Gorgeous 💕:

I'm over this conversation Tae!

I do not want to go to my family's we can just spend the day with your parents.

Tae Bae🐯💕:

Spring DayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin