"You're only 4 years old. Hardly a child."


"Kenji." She looks at him as he continued to glare getting mad.

"I want train!!" He yelled again.

"So you're not going to listen to me?"

"No! I want papa!"

"Papa's not going to help you either. And I'm tired of your constant tantrums." She said getting up now.

"Mama!!" He whined moving to grab her shirt.

"Are you going to listen to me?" She asked looking down at him as Kyoko did the same curiously.

He whines wiping his eyes. "...yes" he said still sniffling.

She bent down to his height, Kyoko trying to reach for him but _____ pulled her away.

She put her hand onto his cheek wiping his eye.

"No more training for this month. But if you be good and follow all the rules then maybe I'll allow it for the next weekend. Understand?" She said to him.

He nods softly as she smiled at him kissing his cheek.

She moved to hold his hand. "Come let's go see what Uncle Soren's cooking." She said as he followed next to her.

Ya I'm killing him..

Katsuki finally made it back home the next day around 8 am.

River had already left the house leaving ______ and Soren.

When Katsuki got inside his eyes met Soren's.

"Oh hey welcome back." Soren said smiling.

"Hey..where are they?"

"Bed still. I think she's getting them up." Soren said getting up with a bag in his hand.

"Thanks for watching them"

"Of course. Hey." Soren looked at Katsuki for a moment before taking a quick glance at the stairs then back at him.

"You're in for a lot. You better help her. I got like 100 headaches from one night with your kids. I cant imagine how she's holding up anymore." Soren warned him.

Katsuki just nods as Soren took his leave.

He walked upstairs hearing Kyoko's cries from her room before hearing Kenji and Kyori whine from being awake and having to get dressed.

"Stop whining. Come here you're almost done." ______ said.

Katsuki opened the door seeing her put Kyori's pants on him..but when the boys saw him at the door they immediately woke running to him.

"PAPA!!" They yelled.

_____ looked over at him a slight annoyance in her face.


She got up putting away their PJ's as Katsuki walked to her taking her hand and the clothes out of her hands.

"Hey. Come here"

He pulled her into a hug as she rests her head on his chest.

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