Kapter 27

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For the next few weeks _____ has been working on her mission with Wildfire.

Mina took a leave from work, she and Kirishima were preparing their wedding.

Mina asked _____ to be the maid of honor since Kirishima asked Katsuki to be the best man.

They agreed to it already planning everything.

The only issue was how busy _____ has been with the mission currently.

The drugs were spreading vastly all around Japan and _____ had trouble stopping them.

At the moment she was undercover trying to follow the people back to their hideout.

Katsuki knew about her mission but let her handle it since he was busy with his own agency.

Currently Katsuki was in his office ordering people to different sections of the city and getting the rest to do different tasks.

"Dynamight! There were calls from the Fort asking if you can help them deal with a bunch of robbers." Zupa said running into the office.

"Fort center?" Katsuki asked getting up as Zupa nods and within that second Katsuki blasts out of his agency to go fight.

It took 45 minutes for Katsuki to fix the mess at the Fort Center.

He walked into his agency taking off his gauntlets and mask.

"Aye get me water!" Katsuki ordered glaring at an intern who ran off before bringing him the bottle.

Katsuki took it looking around his agency seeing people run around.

Soren was out on a mission and River was just behind a desk fixing his documents and doing anything that needs to be done.

Katsuki just started to walk back into his office as he checked his phone seeing missed calls from Tora, but when he walked into his office he saw Zupa and another one of his workers there with a freaked out look on their face.

Immediately when the worker saw Katsuki he ran over to him.

"There you are! Dynamight it's Nova! she was hit and is in the hospital! They're asking for medical assistance and she told them to get yo-"

He didn't even let them finish..

"Which one!?"

Katsuki drove all the way to the hospital in panic not knowing what exactly was wrong.

He ran in.

"Where the fuck is she!?" He yelled going to the front.

The person looked at him scared and confused before he heard some nurse.

"Dynamight? Are you here for Nova? Shes on the second floor room 204." The nurse told him.

He looked at her then just went to the stairs running up trying to find the room.

Once he found it he slammed the door open.

There was a nurse by the bed just writing on a clipboard.

"What happened to her!? Is she okay!?" Katsuki asked running over, seeing ______ passed out on the bed.

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