Kapter 64

882 35 8

The next morning they took a family trip to the maternity doctor to get a check up.

Kyori and Kenji just sat in the room curiously looking at the objects around them.

Katsuki helped _____ as the doctor started the ultra sound to just see a sac that meant she was expecting.

When they got it confirmed excitement took over the two adults.

Kyori and Kenji just confused on what was going on.

The lady smiled seeing them excited.

"You can come back in 2 weeks for another check up" she said to _____.

"Alright, thank you" she smiles earning a gentle nod.

Katsuki kissed her cheek.

"You know we have to tell my parents now, they'll kill us" Katsuki said.

"Actually Masaru wants us to have another. Mitsuki too but I don't think they'd expect it so soon."

"We'll we didn't expect it soon either." Katsuki said getting the boy's to walk out with them.

"it's mainly your fault."

"Team effort babe"

"Well we make a good team" she said earning a kiss to the cheek.

"That we do."

They get the twins into the car before sitting down themselves driving to Mitsuki and Masaru's house while texting Mina and Kiri the news.



Mitsuki and Masaru were on their feet both holding _____'s hands happily.

_____ smiled at them as Katsuki chuckled.

Masaru picked up Kenji smiling as Kyori stood beside Katsuki.

"I'm happy for you two! I cant wait to see the new addition!" Masaru said while kissing Kenji's cheek.

Kenji giggled the boys being confused still but happy to see the adults smile.

"How do you two plan on taking care of yourselves? Aren't you two busy with work? _____ you can't go back to Hero work not even after it's born just like when the twins were born." Mitsuki said concerned.


"Hero works done for you isn't it?" Katsuki asked _____.

"Ya, I pretty much gave it up..but I'll still be able to attend SuperNova."

"..but not forever. You shouldn't be mixed with them. I don't like it" Katsuki said.

"What else am I suppose to do?? I cant not work." She said to him.

They were sitting at the couch the twins in their grandparents laps while they listen to Katsuki and ______.

"Ya you can. I'm providing enough for the family, plus you still have your inheritance money."

"...actually..I only got half of what was meant to be mine" she said looking at him.

"What?" Mitsuki asked cutting into the convo.

"I thought it already went through?? After your father's business went to Ivor." Masaru said confused.

"It did, but once he and my mother got out of prison they were left with nothing. The court gave them some money from SuperNova through my savings sinceee it is still their money. But it's not like I need it anymore..I have Ivor's share of the company."

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