Erza-My Everything

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You're preparing to head for the green planet, searching for gems to harvest and you're in a feisty mood, causing Erza to get feisty back.

Once you're on the green planet, you have difficulty finding the gems and you and Erza have a big fight, prompting you to go off alone until Erza comes to find you.

Some innuendo and swearing.


You watch Erza as he continues to pack his bags. You turn, leaning against the bed, smiling.

You shift uneasily, aching for Erza to screw your brains out. You walk over to him, grabbing his hand and gently tugging on it.

Erza turns, a smile playing on his full lips. He drops his clothing that he was stuffing into his bags and fully turns, gazing hungrily at you.

You put your arms around Erza's neck, leaning in and gently kissing him.

Ezra grips your waist with both of his hands, kissing you back just as hungrily.

You smile, gently tilting his head down some and brushing your lips over the small, white blond spot just at Erza's temple and he groans in frustration.

"Are you trying to distract me, pet?" Erza asks, holding you against him.

"Yes. Perhaps you should punish me for it?" Erza chuckles as he slowly backs you up until you're falling back on to the bed and all Erza's crap.

He quickly pushes everything aside before reaching out to start undressing you.

When Erza is finished, he allows you to undress him. Once you finish, Erza gently flips you over, hovering over you, a devilish grin on his face.

"I'm now going to completely and utterly ravage you, Y/N. What do you say?"

You reach up, your fingers barely grazing Erza's scraggly beard and smile.

"I say, hurry the hell up, Erza."

Erza chuckles and leans down, capturing your lips with his.

"Your wish, my lady is surely your command."


Afterwards, you lay there, clinging to Erza's sweaty body, his arm around your waist.

You can't ever seem to get enough of this man beside you. He's your everything.


You couldn't live without him.

Sure, Erza has his damn problems. He's stubborn and he can have a one track mind and occasionally when Erza gets that mindset, he rarely listens to reason.

It can be maddening and a lot of the time, you want to literally beat some sense into that hard head of his.

Yet you still couldn't see living your life without Ezra.

He's strong, yet gentle. He's kind and has a tender heart. He can be so damn charming sometimes that you can completely forget how pissed off he can make you.

And he's beautiful. So damn beautiful that you never get tired of gazing into his beautiful brown eyes and seeing them crinkle at the corners when he's laughing so hard.

And those, full lips that nearly drive you insane with desire whenever they're on any part of your body.

And his deep, soothing voice, with a twang of the Southern accent that drives you wild whenever he says your name.

Erza may have many human flaws, but he's yours and there's no damn way you're giving him up.

"Are you adequately prepared for our trip, my sweet?" Erza has those maddening, beautiful lips on you and it's distracting.

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