Pedro-Bedroom Cuddles

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You love just lying in bed, with Pedro, cuddling.

Some minor swearing but mostly fluff.


Pedro is holding you as you both lie I bed. It's not quite time to get up and neither of you has a place to get to, for once.

So you're just enjoying some cuddling time with Pedrito.

He doesn't like getting out of bed, either, so this is perfect for the two of you.

You're lying on your side, next to Pedro, your arm securely around him, as Pedro kisses the crown of your head.

You smile. You love him so damn much, that it almost hurts. You give Pedro a gentle squeeze and you hear him chuckle.

"Oh, mi amor," Pedro murmurs against your hair. "You're my entire world."

"As you're mine, Pedrito." Pedro reaches over, gently cupping one of your cheeks in his hand.

You smile, gazing adoringly at Pedro, a faint smile playing on his lips. He's so rugged and beautiful, that it makes your heart ache with such intensity for him.

"I love you so much, Pedrito. And I especially love moments such as these."

"Me too. It's as if no one else exists except for us. It's refreshing."

"Yeah." You gently pull Pedro's head down, kissing him greedily. Pedro's dark eyes darken even more with desire.

"Sometimes I don't think I'll ever get enough of you, Y/N. Ever." You laugh. That's quite all right by you.

You can't get enough of Pedro, either. Every time you look at him, you fall I love with him all over again.

You snuggle under the blankets, scooting closer to Pedro, closing your eyes and just melt against him, completely oblivious to the outside world.


You and Pedro stay in bed the majority of the day, just cuddling and holding each other.

Occasionally, you'll grope each other, kissing one another on different parts of your bodies.

You enjoy touching Pedro's patchy facial hair, carefully combing your fingers through it, making Pedro laugh.

You like listening to the sound of that laugh. Or just listening to Pedro's voice, in general. He has such a deep and soothing voice, that you could listen to it all day.

Pedro will speak to you in Spanish and you close your eyes, just listening to his low voice. It really relaxes you and it makes you feel drowsy.

Pedro kisses your forehead and you love feeling his lips on you. You kiss him all over his face.

His forehead, the tip of his nose, his cheeks, his mustache and facial hair and of course, his beautiful lips. And even his eyes, as he closes them.

"I'm really happy we had a day like this," you tell Pedro, your head resting on his chest, as Pedro's arm is wrapped around you.

"So am I," Pedro says. "We both get so damn busy, that we need days like this, just so we can relax and refresh ourselves."

"Definitely." You gently rub Pedro's arm as he rubs yours.



"This has been the best day in a long time. We should try doing it more often."

Pedro tilts his head, looking into your eyes. Ugh. Those brown eyes are beautiful!

"Yes. We definitely need to do that." Pedro suddenly grins. You're not sure you want to know what he's grinning about.

"Okay, Pascal. What's with the goofy grin all of a sudden?"

"You just make me happy." You're not sure you totally believe that, but you'll let it slide.

For now.

"And you make me happy, too, Pedrito. And these cozy bedroom cuddles."

Pedro gently kisses you and you smile.

"Yes and yes, mi amor."

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