Pedro-All Fluff

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You're hanging out with your husband, Pedro and your bestie, Oscar, just relaxing as the boys are acting silly and fluffy.

Some minor swearing but all fluff.


You love hanging out with your boys. They're so affectionate and silly. Yiu cuddle closer with both Pedro and Oscar, as you're all crowded together on the couch, watching some movie.

They're both such dorks. Really. They are. But they're your dorks. They're also being so cuddly tonight, too, which you tolerate.

"What is the deal with you two this evening?" You ask, stroking Pedro's facial hair. You adore his sexy, little mustache. It's just so cute!

"What do you mean?" Pedro is feigning stupidity. You roll your eyes. Please. He may be a damn good actor, but you know when he's just pretending.

"Why are you two being so cuddly?" You turn, looking at Oscar, who's smiling innocently.

"What?" Pedro asks, stroking your back. "We aren't allowed to be cuddly with our girl?"

"Um, are you implying that you'd share me?" Oscar snorts with laughter and you end up laughing, too.

"We do share you, chica," Oscar says, leaning close and hugging you.

You push them both away and stand up. You're starting to get a little claustrophobic.

You walk over to grab some soda and some candy. Pedro is by you in a second, slipping his arm around your waist and you smile.

"Geez! Somebody's bring needy!" You say, twisting your neck to look at Pedro.

He grins, giving you a kiss on the cheek and you smile again. Then...Oscar is over there, wrapping his arms around the both of you.

"Would you stop this?" You demand, squirming away. Pedro pouts and Oscar pretends to start crying.

"Oh my gosh! Did you guys eat or drink something to make you act all weird?"

"No." Oscar glares ferociously at you, his eyes narrowed.

"We just like being with you, Y/N. And being fluffy." You can't help it; you end up cracking up. Seriously? Being fluffy? What the hell does that even mean?

You shake your head, returning to the couch with your snacks and making sure that neither Pedro or Oscar can sandwich you in between them.

"You two are being so weird right now, it's almost comical." Pedro looks at Oscar, feigning anger.

"Did you hear her?" Pedro asks, sounding highly offended. "Y/N says we're being 'weird.'"

Pedro uses air quotation marks with his fingers and that tears it. You start laughing so damn hard, you almost can't breathe.

Both Pedro and Oscar look really pissed off. For about thirty seconds. Then, they're laughing, too.

"I guess you're not wrong," Pedro says as you nestle against his warm body and close your eyes for a few seconds.

"Yeah," Oscar says. "We are being kinda weird." You open your eyes, giving him a Look.

"And crazy. And silly. And stupid."

"Yeah, mi amor. We are. But it's only because we love you so damn much." You tilt your head up and Pedro gives you a gentle kiss.

Oscar leans in, giving you a kiss on the forehead and you give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you guys, too," you say, touching Pedro's lips. God, they're so damn beautiful.

"And although you both drive me up the wall sometimes, I couldn't imagine my life without either of you. You both make me really happy."

"You made me happy when you agreed to be my wife." Pedro kisses you again, hus expression purely tender.

"And you make me happy because we're such close friends," Oscar says, holding your hand. "And because you share Pedrito with me."

You laugh, sliding an arm around each of them and clinging to them.

"Yeah. You two are dorks. But I wouldn't want it any other way."

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