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I watched Amma being dragged by her hair, as her body leaving  a trail of blood across the white floor. Anna had been beaten and tied to a chair while I sobbed, crouching under the table. The bad men talked over the phone, as Amma's eyes stared at me, until she moved them to her right, and then back at me. I wiped the tears off my cheeks as my curls lay sprawled all over my face, before I crawled back, my knees to my chest. Amma's eyes blank eyes moved to her right again, as if she wanted me to hide inside her room. I nodded, as I scrambled to my hands and knees, as I slithered inch by inch to my right. Just when the dim light in the room could touch my face, my tiny hands met a leather pair of shoes. I looked back at Amma who could not see me anymore before I craned my neck all the way up, to meet his eyes who were already looking down at me.

"Amma? Where are you going?"

I screamed incoherent words in my sleep as I threw my hands and legs up in the air frantically. My body ached and so did my head as if it had been beaten black and blue. The weight inside my chest wanted me to throw up as I wiped off the sweat sliding off my face and neck, with the back of my hand. My hair stuck to the bare skin, making me feel as if a thousand bugs crawled over me. I agitatedly collected all of my dampened strands and tied them into a bun. My heartbeat rang in my ears and I felt heat rush all across my body, making my insides beg for some water. I rushed down the bed, falling on my face before I hurriedly scrambled back on my feet.

"Amma? Where are you going?

The realization dawned over me, but in a way, I would have never preferred. His arrival wasn't a dream. He was here, he is here, right in front of my eyes, at the door of Siddhanth's room, watching me with a smile that my nightmares are made of. I ran back my steps until the lamp fell off and I got the dead-end of the wall.

" don't need to be scared of me." He said taking a step toward me.


"Suhaana?" His smile faded as he watched me scream like a mad man.


"Okay- okay, I will not come near you-" He said raising his palms in surrender, feigning his hurt.

I heard the main door unlock as I screamed louder, hoping for it to be someone from my family, or anyone, as the matter of fact.


"Anna?" I heard a few muffled sounds from outside the door. He raised his hand dismissing all of them, before there was pin-drop silence, until I heard the main door shut close.

I slid against the tiny space between the nightstand and the wardrobe, just like I had crouched under that table. He looked at me piteously, before he crouched to my level, from where ever he was standing.

"What- what do you want from me?" I felt too exhausted to let out coherent words, so whatever came out, was an honest cry for help, and the desperate need to be left alone.

He sighed, looking down and shaking his head.

"Amma. This was not the reaction I expected from you towards a father who loved you so much-"

"Please-" I joined my hands against my chest as images of my mother's face sprouted inside my head. My brother wiping the bloodstains off the floor with a broken body, my mother's fractured head and years of therapy, my brother's lost childhood, everything.

"Well- if you insist-" He stood tall and taut on his feet, his face turning to that made of concrete.

"I have a few plans for you."

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