"Yeah he's too far." Sairah said. "Okay and Joe's family will be there too. Guess it'll be up to Joe to make up the rest of the guests. I'll tell him to send me a list of the kids he's bringing." She was sending Joe a message as they spoke.

"May we invite some of the grandchildren of our elite squad?" Their grandpa requested.

Marcy was cringing. "Aren't they all crackheads?"

Her parents gasped. "No. And even if they were they'd keep it well hidden." Marcy's mother said. "Anyway, I think it would be nice to meet some of the children in our circle. What do you say Sairah? Can granny and grandpa invite some friends and their grandkiddies? They know all about you and Leigh. Ha ha. Jonathan. Remember how Elizabeth said that she's always telling her grand girl that she wishes she was as brilliant as our Sairah?"

The grandfather laughed. "Ah yes. I remember. Poor, poor things."

"Do your friends compare their grandkids to Sairah?" Leigh hoped that that was not the case.

"Yes they do. You and Sairah have become the standard darling." Their grandma winked before laughing.

"They tell them to be as outgoing and involved with the media as Leigh-Anne as well." Their grand dad said proudly. "They're all just blown away by the things you girls do even with your trying back story."

Sairah and Leigh exchanged glances with Marcy slowly.

"That must be annoying." Sairah said. "So they hate us?"

"Heavens no. I'm sure that they all admire you and would like to meet with you first hand. And what better occasion than this wonderful soiree that you've decided to have for your nineteenth?" Their grandma smiled.

Sairahs shrugged. "Whatever." She didn't care who came.

"Excellent." They said together . . . sort of sinisterly.

"I hope they like games." Marcy rubbed her hands together nervously, wondering when the aid would be here.

"I'm sure that they'd have a grand time- oo we need to start thinking of venues." Mrs. Princewel perked up. "Sairah, anywhere in mind?"

Leigh was sure that Sairah would prefer it if people organised her party for her. "Maybe we can get a professional party organ-"

"I was thinking it could be in this wide open space right? But there's like a massive screen up front like the screens at the big theatres? Yeah like that and there'd be something like a play station that lets like maybe f*cking ten people play a game at once? And we could have a contest. So there'd be a bunch of rounds and the people who win in each round will do a big race altogether and whoever wins will get some kinda prize. How does that sound? Me and Jade came up with it at lunch today. Jade's like really good at coming up with stuff. She's got smarts for days." Sairah laughed after explaining this.

Leigh was surprised. "Wow. That sounds incredible!" She smiled. "I think everyone would appreciate that."

Sairah nodded. "Yeah and maybe before we do the big competition people can play little games at different gaming stations like- oh it can be an arcade. But a big arcade you know?" She turned a smile to each person in the room and stopped on Leigh-Anne.

Leigh-Anne nodded. "Yeah I like that. Do you think there'd be an arcade with a screen like the one you want though?"

"Beats me." Sairah shrugged and sat back lazily.

"Girls come on," Marcy wrapped her arms around either of them. "We can purchase whatever you desire with no problem. No need to wonder. Your sugar mama has always got your backs."

The Sitter's Sister 2Where stories live. Discover now