Thranduil's eyes, for the first time in a long while, started to water. But his emotions didn't infect his words. "Then I made a mistake trusting you"

Mirani's breath hitched as her weapon lowered, but she quickly gripped it tighter, glaring at the Lord "Your heart is as cold as stone. You know no love anymore. There's no compassion within you. You won't last long

She plunged her sword back into it's sheath, and followed after Tauriel and Legolas, prepared to help out her brother and his friends, hoping she wasn't too late.


Thorin and Dwalin stood it wait, having defeated all of the Goblin's coming their way.

"Where is that Orc filth?" Thorin mumbled frustrated, mad he couldn't see the white Orc no where.

Behind the two Dwarves, Bilbo took of his golden ring, catching his breath, before speaking "Thorin"

Thorin quickly turned, surprised to see the Hobbit there "Bilbo"

Bilbo briskly walked up to the two "You have to leave here. Now. Azog has an army attacking from the North. This watchtower will be surrounded with no way out"

"We are so close" Dwalin argued, walking up to Thorin "That Orc scum is in there. I say we push on"

Thorin was quick to shut that idea down. Instead choosing to listen to Bilbo "No. That's what he wants. He wants to draw us in...this is a trap" 

Realization came far too late to Thorin, as fire lights were seen making their way up the watchtower. Azog could be seen dragging Fili along, two other Orcs holding Veryan, who was badly beat up. The group stopped in their tracks, concerned for the two people above.

Kili too was watching, unable to effectively do anything.

Azog stopped right on the edge of the tower, dangling Fili above, speaking in his own native language, but Thorin understood. He would soon see his nephew die in the hands of his enemy.

Veryan struggled as much as he could against the Orcs, his venom filled eyes glaring holes in Azog's head.

The group ran closer, as Azog kept on speaking. He turned Fili slightly twords him, his arm, now wielding a blade, rising "Any last words, Dwarf?"

Thorin's eyes watered. He felt so useless just watching, not being able to do anything to help.

"Burn in hell you overgrown rat" Veryan answered for Fili. Azog turned to him, glaring, but his glare quickly turned into a confused stare at the smirking male. 

Veryan's eyes lit up purple. Azog's eyes widened. He quickly tried to swing down at Fili, but a huge blast sent him flying into the nearby wall, dropping Fili down in the process.

Veryan too was thrown into the wall. He gasped for air, feeling his heartbeat quicken, then quickly decrease in speed. His vision blurred as he got to his feet, barely being able to hold himself in place. 

Thorin thanked the strength of Veryan, quickly running down as a heap of Orcs appeared. Kili quickly ran up to his brother, and dragged him away. He laid down the unconscious male, hiding him below light enough rocks, before jumping to fight himself.

Veryan shook his head, getting rid of some of the blurriness, before jumping down himself, stumbling before killing one of the Orcs. 

Veryan was quickly forced up a flight of stairs leading all the way up a tower. He fought his way through every Orc, slicing their heads clean off before moving to the next. He jumped up the few stairs left to the top and swiftly turned around, slicing an Orc clean in half. He breathed out heavy breaths as he leaned next to a rock pillar. 

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