"It's been a while since I've done this" Balin commented as he gestured down to the reins he was holding. 

Thorin let a chuckle escape, as he raised his sword up. "To Ravenhill!" he shouted, and took off on a goat, followed by the others in the carriage.

"Kili, hold on to me!" Veryan shouted, as he moments later leaned to the side, Kili holding him back so he wouldn't fall into the spinning blades attached to the wheels. The male quickly rose back up, bow in hand, being one an Elven guard droped in his final moments.  He was lucky enough that the carriage has at least some arrows to spare.

They drove right into an Orc legion, readying their weapons. As Thorin took the first swing, everyone else let loose. Veryan grabbed arrow after arrow, shooting them at the Orcs, not missing a shot. The goats rammed their horns at the up front Orcs, as the blades on the wheels minced them. Dwalin was in the front, shooting off arrows of his own whilst everyone swung their swords. 

"Watch out!" Kili shouted as he saw 6 giant Orcs coming their way. But Balin just jumped off of a ramp, the blades on the wheels decapitating the 6 Orcs in an instant. 

Another, heavily armed Orc, came their way, sending them turning the other way. Balin shouted for them to hold on as they were sent flying off of a hill, and onto a frozen river, sending the goats stumbling. They quickly got back up, and ran along the river.

Dwalin quickly reloaded his weapon up front, when the Orc jumped in after them, destroying the ice as it went.

"Bring it down! Shoot it" "Where?" "In his jambags!" "It doesn't have any jambags!" Dwalin and Kili argued back and forth. It would of been a pretty funny sight if their life's weren't on the line.

"Would you two just shut it!" Veryan shouted frustrated, shooting the beats in it's arm as it was about to swing for them, making it slow down only for a second.

"Hang on lads! I'm coming!" Bofur shouted from his position on one of the Troll's, having knocked off it's original rider. He swung one of the Troll's arms, getting it lodged in the Orcs chest, sending him down with it. The carriage kept on going forward as Bofur got left behind to deal with the Orc, but he looked like he was handling the situation pretty well. 

Another giant Orc was seen in the front, carying a bridge with Orcs on it, trying to bridge the gap. Dwalin started firing with his weapon making the giant Orc turn to him. A couple of shots later it tumbled down dead into the water, making an easy passage for the carriage.

They cheered, before Wargs came bolting right at them. They attacked, and dragged away two of the goats, getting distracted by them. Three Warg's and their riders came twords them, one in the back chasing, whilst the other two were quickly gunned down by Dwalin.

"Hold tight, lads" Balin shouted as they jumped off another small ramp. Kili swung for the third rider, hitting him right in the chest, sending him and his Warg down. 

"There's more coming! We're pulling too much weight. We won't make it" Dwalin shouted as yet another goat was ripped away, a Warg pack chasing them.

"Cut the tracers" Balin replied without a moment of hesitation, looking determined.

Everyone looked at him, but Balin only starred at Dwalin "Ride them to Ravenhill"

Dwalin shook his head "No, Balin"

Balin reassuringly smiled at him "My goat-riding days are over. Durin be with you, brother"

Dwalin curtly nodded, patting the older's arm, before jumping onto the tracers. 

Fili was the first to detach a goat, riding it further from the carriage, whilst still looking back if the others made it. Kili quickly jumped onto a goat himself, Veryan jumping after him, quite surprised the goat was able to hold up his weight. The last to jump was Dwalin, and he along side Kili cut the tracers, stopping the carriage completely, riding off.

Veryan gripped onto Kili's waist as he looked back at Balin, concerned, but he was happy to see the man using the machine Dwalin used, mumbling to himself whilst looking bored. 

He looked back when he heard a shout from Thorin, urging them to ride onward. Thorin slayed the Orcs in front of him as the other's followed him deeper and deeper into Ravenhill.

They rode up the grassy hills, and right into the snow covered ruins of Ravenhill. The group one by one jumped off of the goats as they fought off Orcs coming their way pretty easily.


Legolas and Tauriel rode through the Orc filled city of Dale, killing Orcs as they went. 

"Gandalf!" Legolas called out to the familiar figure, stopping in front of him.

"Legolas" the man replied, relief coating his voice as he saw the male.

"There is a second army" The prince spoke as he jumped off of his horse and went up to Gandalf "Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs. They are almost upon us"

"Gundabad...that was their plan all along. Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the North" Gandalf finally realizes, looking pissed.

"The North? Where is the North..." Bilbo spoke, very confused, but when he turned to the North, he saw a huge problem.

"Exactly" Gandalf replied when he saw the Hobbit turn the direction. "Ravenhill" 

"Ravenhill? Thorin's up there. Fili, Kili, Veryan. Their all up there" Bilbo replied as he rushed after the Wizard, who was now walking away.

Legolas and Tauriel glanced at each other in panic, before the two followed the Hobbit and the Wizard. 


The Orcs stopped coming, the group having killed a good portion of them. They took in deep breaths, Thorin walking up to the ledge of a river, looking at a built structure in front of them.

"Where is he?" Thorin asked no one in particular as he looked around, not spotting the white Orc anywhere. 

"It looks empty. I think Azog has fled" Kili replied to his uncle, looking around himself.

"I don't think so" Thorin once again spoke, gripping his sword tighter. 

Thorin turned around to the three figures "Fili, take Veryan and your brother. Scout out the towers. Keep low and out of sight. If you see something report back. Do not engage. Do you understand?" 

The three of them nodded, as Dwalin walked up "We have company" the group spotted a big group of goblins. "Goblin mercenaries. No more than a hundred"

"We'll take care of them. Go!" Thorin ordered as he held up his sword, ready for a fight.

Veryan quickly took Fili and Kili by the arms, dragging them along. He knew this was what Azog wanted. To separate them. But he wasn't about to let any of these Dwarves die today. And even if it took him his own life to save them all, then so be it.

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