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          I sit on a stone bench, in the middle of the palace gardens. Two trees tower over me, smaller than the ones in the jungle, forming an orange leafy canopy. The branches are heavy with green oblong fruit. Virbunt. A small grassy field stretches away from the trees, all the way to the tall stone walls in the distance. These walls separate the palace grounds from the rest of the city. The grassy field is filled with many different kinds of flowering plants, a rainbow of colors fills my vision. A sweet but earthy scent fills my nose, this time of year the flowers are in full bloom. I pull a fruit off the closest hanging branch and bite into it. A mix of sweet and sour floods my taste buds, and fruit juice runs down my chin. I feel the strong kicks and jabs of the baby. Due any day now, he doesn't move as much as he used to but when he does, I defiantly know he is there. I bite again, and again, until the entire thing is gone, seeds included. I've been eating a lot of this fruit, lately. One of the doctors informed me of the importance of eating Virbunt fruit. It contains some kind of vitamins or something that helps in the development of the baby. The seeds contain something that helps in the baby's brain development. The terms were really technical, and hard to pronounce. But what I did take away from that chat was that, somehow, the babies whose mother's ate the fruit seeds were smarter than the average Copaie. Smart enough that this entire underground city was planned and made.

           "Vos." Amancia says, coming and sitting beside me. "You wanted to talk to me?"

          I still find it a little strange to call myself Vos. I guess Amancia does as well, because she told the doctors my name was Astra. "Yes. First thing I need to know, how do you guys grow all these plants, underground, I get the artificial sun, I saw that when I first arrived. And I know it's on a timer, so that it sets when the real one does. But all of these plants," I say raising my hands out to indicate the plants surrounding me. "how do they stay watered?"

          "The same way as on every other planet. Terraqua. We have implemented an artificial atmosphere down here, one that also works the ground water. The AI makes sure that the water levels rise every morning and then fall again by midafternoon. Many palace windows overlook both the city and the gardens, you haven't paid it any attention?" Amancia asks.

          "No, I guess I never have. Okay, so that answers one question. Another thing we need to discuss is your baby. I'm not a big reader so I'm not really sure if there is a book about this or not. But I just have this feeling that I better not touch baby Astra, you know, being from two different timelines and all. I don't know what the consequences might be, but I'm sure they wouldn't be good." I explain.

           "No problem. I'm sure we can find a work around for that." She says.

          I feel a painful tightening in my stomach, that continues to intensify, causing me to hold my stomach, and bringing tears to my eyes. Within a few moments the pain comes to a peak and then starts to reside.

           "Are you okay?" Amancia ask, reaching out and placing a hand on my arm.

           "Yes, I'm fine, now. Anyways, I do have another question. You said that every Copaie is required to join the military? Does that include royalty?"

             "Yes." She says, taking her hand off my arm. "Why do you ask?"

          "Well, considering I wasn't raised here, I would like to catch up. Join the military. Do my ten years like everyone else. The thing is, I need someone to help me raise the baby." Another painful tightening racks across my stomach. I take a few deep breaths, waiting for it to pass, and it too eventually passes.

             "I would be happy to help. I make plenty of milk for Astra, so I could feed Ikonyn as well. My body will adjust to the change. I can also ask daddy to talk with the men in charge of local ten-year-old class. I'm sure we can make an exception for you, allow you to come home at night. So, you can feed and care for your baby as well."

            "That's...aahh!" the tightening in my stomach becomes so painful that I can't help but cry out. Tears run freely down my face, as I can't help but thinking that this pain is worse than the bite from the Furbos. The tightening in my stomach comes back-to-back now, I am starting to have a hard time telling when one ends and the next begins.

           "Vos! Vos! Are you okay? How long have you been having pain?"

            "All. Day." I managed to mutter between gritted teeth.

           "Girl! Why haven't you said anything? It's time. The baby is on the way. Come on, I'll help you to your feet." Amancia says standing up and holding out a hand.

              I take her hand and try to stand up, but the pain is so strong that I can't manage. "I. I. Can't. Move." I say through clenched teeth.

             "Hold on dear. Guards! Guards! Come here, quickly!" she calls out.

              Two guards come running, they take a look at us, and one scoops me up in his powerful arms and takes off running. "Hang in there. I'll get you to the doctor." He says. He runs, with me in his arms, through the twisting and turning garden paths, through the many halls of the palace, and to the hospital wing. He lays me on an empty bed and shouts for a doctor. The guard gently pushes my hair out of my face and stays with me until the doctor comes. "Good luck and congratulations." He says, before leaving the room.

              A few hours later, I have pushed out the most beautiful baby boy I have ever laid eyes on. He has the traditional heterochromia of Copaie royalty, he has one blue eye and one green eye. His skin is a lighter yellow than my own, but still yellow enough to identify him as Copaie. But the strange part is, that despite being a male Copaie, he has hair. A small tuft of light brown hair sits atop of his perfect head. Hair that is the exact same shade as Amlican's. He yawns and I plant a kiss on his little nose. I rub my finger on his hand, and his tiny little fist curls around it. My own perfect little bundle of joy. "Ikonyn." I whisper. "I love you so much. You were not planned but I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. I just wish that your daddy could have met you. He would love you just as much as I do." I plant another kiss on his tiny forehead. He starts to cry, so I feed him, staring down into his face as he feeds, memorizing every small detail. Thankfully, I don't appear to be having any trouble producing milk for him. He suckles until he falls asleep, in my arms. I yawn and give into my own exhaustion, falling asleep as well. Soon, I will begin my own military training, but for now, I will rest, heal, and enjoy my tiny baby.

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