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         We leave the apartment of my grandparents and head to the elevator, riding it down to the first floor. It's a long ride from the one hundred and fifth floor, the penthouse, but it gives us plenty of time to talk.

         "So, what's the plan?" Amlican asks.

          "I really don't know." I say. Amancia draws Amlican into a conversation, but my mind is still on what I overheard Malum saying. He is planning to kill someone named Mangone. I wonder what will happen if I stop that? "Amancia?"

         "Yes?" she asks.

          "Who is Mangone? What I mean is, where is he located?"

           "He deals in illegal trades. If it's rare and illegal, chances are he has it or can get a hold of it. More than likely, you can find him in one of the bars. Playing Blukum." she says.

          Blukum. A dangerous card game, played only by the shadiest of men. Many a female is sold into slavery via that game. I better keep on my guard. I feel the jump, indicating the elevator is stopping, followed by the ding and the doors sliding open.

          "Can you take us there?" I ask, as the noise from the crowd of people fills the elevator.

          "You have a plan?" Amancia asks, stepping off of the elevator.

          "Yes, but first I need to stop by one of those clothing shops. Can you loan me some more credits?" I ask, following her.

           "Since you are my child, future or not, then the answer is yes." she says. "What kind of clothing are you looking for? The shop we go to will depend on the clothing that you are wanting."

          "I need a dress, something to catch the attention of every male that lays eyes on me. So, the shorter and tighter we can get it, the better." I say.

           "Hm. I know the perfect store." Amancia says, weaving in and out, through the crowd of people.

           "What exactly is your plan?" Amlican asks, walking beside me as we follow Amancia.

           "If Mangone is the type to play Blukum, I have the perfect deal for him."

           "No! No way! Not a chance! You want to sell yourself to him?! I don't like that idea. I'm not going to stand by and watch you do that." Amlican objects.

          "I have absolutely no intention of following through with it. I just want to distract him and force him to deal with Malum. It's better than one of us having to do it." I explain. "Just trust me."

          We stop outside a shop. The windows display a colorful arrangement of dresses. We go inside shift through the dresses on the racks. None of these looks right.

          "Here. What about this one?" Amancia asks, holding up a short orange dress.

           "No. Not quite." I say. "It's short enough but not the right color."

           "How about this one?" Amlican says holding up an even shorter dark green dress.

           "Yes! That is, it. That is the one I need. Amancia, will you go find me a matching pair of shoes, while I put this on?" I ask, taking the dress from Amlican.

          "Sure. The dressing area is over there. I will bring the shoes as soon as I pay for everything." Amancia says pointing to the far-left back corner.

          I head for the back, the dress draped over my arm.

       "Are you sure you want to do this?" Amlican asks, as he follows behind me.

           "Yes. It's the only plan I can come up with on such short notice. But if you have a better idea, I would love to hear it." I say, reaching out and grabbing the curtain on the closest dressing room. "No? Nothing? That's what I thought."

           I quickly get undressed. The more Mangone sees of me the more likely my plan will work. I step into the green dress and have to wiggle my hips a bit to pull it up over them. Once over them, I have to tug a little to pull it up over my chest. I look over at the floor to ceiling mirror for the final adjustments. The dress is exactly what I was hoping for. It's a dark green color that works perfectly with my light-yellow skin. It's not only short, the hem stopping just an inch below my mid-thigh, but it's so tight that you can see every curve of my body. The top of the dress dips so low that my chest looks as if it will fall out at any moment. I pull my hair out of its ponytail and give my head a small shake. I run my fingers through my hair, giving it a finishing touch. I bend over, which is hard to do in this dress, and grab my time travel jacket, putting it on over the dress. They can't see it anyways.

         "Here, put these on." Amancia says, pushing a pair of dark green spiked heels, under the curtain.

           I put the spiked heels on and take one last look in the mirror before pushing the curtain open. "How do I look?"

          Amlican's mouth drops open and he just stares.

         "Amlican?" I ask, starting to feel self-conscious.

          He doesn't stop staring and still doesn't answer.

         "Well, I don't have any other ideas. It's either this or we go back to the future and just forget about it. I'll get executed and you can go on with your life, marry, have kids, and forget I ever existed." I say annoyed.

         "I... uh look..."Amlican starts.

          "You look exactly like the type of girls that Mangone sells." Amancia says, rolling her eyes at Amlican. "Follow me, guys, I'll take you to Mangone's favorite bar."

           Amancia leads the way, followed by me, and Amlican takes up the rear. I get plenty of stares from men and angry looks from the women. I hate dressing this way, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And I am definitely desperate. We arrive at the bar and step into the dimly lit atmosphere. I can hear talking and laughter and see men of many different alien species gathered, slapping each other on the back in comradery or punching each other in the face in anger. As we walk past the tables, the conversations stop, and I can feel their eyes on me.

           We stop at a table in the back room, behind the bar. The table in front of us has six different men playing cards. But the one that stands out is a large muscular Copaie. Every part of him that I can see is covered in black tattooed stripes. That must be Mangone. And judging by the substantial number of tattooed stripes, he is obviously ruthless. What the heck was I thinking? I can't offer myself to him. What if he chains me up before I can get away?

         Amancia clears her throat. "Mangone?"

           "Not now, I'm... busy..." Mangone starts, as he looks up from his card game. "Oh, well, look at that. The General's daughter has decided to join us." Mangone sneers. "Go away. No females allowed, unless you plan on becoming my wife!" He laughs and the rest of the table joins him.

            "Ugh! Gross! No, my friend has a proposition for you." Amancia says, stepping to the side so that Mangone can see me.

           Mangone looks me up and down and lets out a loud whistle. "Now, what can I do for you, beautiful?"

           "Malum is on his way to kill you. I need you to kill him, instead." I say, nervously. The room erupts with laughter. Once it dies down, I continue. "In exchange for this, I will give myself to you. Be your new wife."

           "Alright, sexy. I like what I see. It's a deal. I will kill him for you. I suppose you want to watch him die?" he says, jerking my arm and sitting me down in his lap.

      "Yes. After that, I'm all yours." I say, attempting to get up.

       "You already are all mine." he says, placing his hand on my thigh.

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