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               We disembark from the small ship and find ourselves standing inside the Zion Terminal. A building carved almost entirely of rock. We have a no waste policy, so when they carved out sections of mountain rock forthe rare three-legged Honshell breeding grounds, the rock was hauled into town and used to build businesses and homes. Floor-to-ceiling unbreakable glass is used to make the walls of the terminal.

            Once outside, we can see, the castle, ahead of us. Proud, noble, watching over the city of Nix and its people. It's only about a ten-minute walk from the terminal. A mixture of feelings washes over me as I stare at it. Happiness for all the time I spent with my mother, and despair at the fact that she is no longer alive. No longer able to warm me with her smile. No longer able to give me advice. I'll get to the bottom of my mother's death, if it's the last thing I do. I will honor her memory and avenge her death!

               I look around and see the Talfarian national flag being flown, a blue book on a red background, as well as the Nix Providence flag, black with a green X, being flown at half-mast. The book flag has always seemed a bit odd to me. I asked my mother about it when I was younger, and she said it was because Talfarians celebrated knowledge.

           So, does that mean every other race is inferior to Talfarians? I wasn't brave enough to ask her that question. How many races do you know that lay claim to being smarter than everyone else? The Nix Providence flag never drew as much interest for me. I learned about the history of it, in school, but it just didn't stick.

          It's flying at half mast, as it should be. My mother deserves the highest respect. Banners are draped over the front of the buildings with 3D images of my mother smiling and waving. I fix my sight on my distant home, trying to ignore the images of my mother and the reminder of her death. Stores line the road, leading to the castle. Banners are draped over the front of the buildings with 3D images of my mother smiling and waving. The cobbled streets are full of Talfarians, some are walking, and some are rushing about. Life goes on for everyone else. Sure, they are sad at the loss of a great leader but after a few planetary rotations, it will be business as usual. But a few rotations won't be enough to erase my deep sorrow. I fix my sight on my distant home, trying to ignore the images of my mother and the reminder of her death.

            "Let's hurry. The sooner we get there, the better." Amlican says, looking at my face.

              All around us, people start to take notice of me, and call out their sorrow for my loss. 

            Ugh. Why do people do that? Do they really believe that it helps? 

          But twenty-one years of my mother's teachings and I know to accept the well-meaning sorrow and to thank them. Amlican does make a good point, so I pick up my pace, wishing we were, already, safely inside of the castle's four walls. 

           We eventually make it through the crowded streets, through the mourners, and those going about their daily lives. We come to the massive wooden doors at the entrance. We can see two, black hooded, Dolokki guards stand at either side of the doorway, and we know hundreds more are stationed throughout the castle. The Dolokki are like the Talfarians except they have two faces on their head. One face watches, where they are going, and the other sleeps. They wear the hood to help the other face to sleep. Very rarely do you ever see a Dolokki with its hood down. You can't get much past them, as they are very perceptive. I remember testing how much they notice, when I was younger, got me into lots of trouble. I nod at the two guards as we walk by.

           "Princess." They respond in unison.

             We walk through the long entryway, guards stationed near every doorway we pass. Several mourners are inside as well, a mixed collection of Talfarians and races from other planets. All those who have come in contact with my mother in some way or another, have turned out to pay their respects. Tonight, will be the traditional feast in her honor, with several people hand-picked by Malum to sing her praises. Tomorrow, her body will be carried out to the riverside, where she will be put on a raft, and the raft will be set on fire. This traditional funeral service is hundreds of thousands of years old. I really wish they bury her in the ground, as I've heard some aliens do. I really hate the thought of her being burned up, even though she is already dead. Although, burying her in the ground isn't so great, either. Lots of scavengers on this planet, it makes me sick to think that one of them could dig her up.

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