"What just happened?" I asked.

"I don't know." They replied, placing the vase back where it was supposed to go. "That's Charlie, my brother. He's kind of an asshole sometimes. Sorry for calling you very dangerous."

"It's fine."

"He's never really liked me, but at least he's not homophobic." She shrugged and glanced at the book I'd left on the floor. "Always and Forever, Lara Jean" They noted. "How's that for a straight couple?"

I shrugged.

"I bought those before I realized I was gay." She continued. "Have you seen the movies?"

"There are movies?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "Three, to be exact. Wanna binge 'em tonight?"


"Cool." She jumped over the couch, landing with a soft thud on the cushioned side. "We can order a pizza and watch them all without stopping."

"Sounds good to me." I followed her lead, except I walked around the couch instead.

MJ stood up to let me get my wings situated, then grabbed a blanket and carefully leaned back on my feathers. "This okay?"

"Yeah." I shuffled slightly, stealing half the blanket while she got comfortable.

"Rude." She threw another blanket over my head while finding the movies. "When do you want to order the pizza?"

"Anytime's fine."

"Alright, just speak up if you're hungry."

We watched the first movie, then MJ ordered the pizza. The doorbell rang twenty minutes later, which was slightly suspicious thanks to the city's traffic, but nonetheless, no one noticed.

MJ paused the movie to get up and answer the door, then didn't say anything.

I heard shuffling, then footsteps entering her house. They sounded extremely familiar, and I was also extremely annoyed to find out why.

"Hello, Max." Mr. Stark said, standing with his arms crossed in the front of MJ's living room. "Have a good stay?"

I groaned. "Oh look, the pizza's here." I glanced at MJ.

"It doesn't look like pepperoni to me," MJ replied, glaring at him from the side.

"Definitely not." I kicked off the blanket and stood up. "Who told you?"

"Charlie Jones, @cjonesisthebest on Instagram. He posted it on his story." Mr. Stark replied. "Thanks to F.R.I.D.A.Y. it only took a few days to find you."

I rolled my eyes.

Another knock sounded on the door, and MJ opened it quickly.

A man in a pizza shop uniform stepped in with a box of pizza in both hands. He looked at me, then Tony Stark, then me, and then Tony Stark again. "Um, your total is gonna be twenty-five-"

His voice cracked as Stark stuffed a one-hundred-dollar bill in his pocket and grabbed the pizza from his hands. "Keep the change." He muttered, slamming the door.

MJ took the pizza from his hands and set it on the table. "Tony Stark."

"Michelle Watson Jones." He replied, sitting on a stool in the kitchen. "Friend of Peter's. You know of his Spiderman identity."

"I do."

"You last came to the tower twenty-six days ago." He noted. "You've been harboring Max in your home for a while now, haven't you?"

"I stayed at Peter's for a while," I said.

"Oh yeah, I know." He glared at me. "You put me on a whole wild goose chase with this shit. You know, there's an old saying, 'if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck, it's probably a duck.'"

"Are you saying I'm a goose?" I asked.

"If it looks like a problem, sounds like a problem, and acts like a problem, it's probably a problem." He spoke.


"You're coming home with me, and you're not gonna fight it this time. I will not hesitate to tie you to a table if necessary."

MJ dropped the slice of pizza she was eating and widened theier eyes. Do you need help? She mouthed.

I pursed my lips.

"Look, I don't care about your little friend, or whatever this is." Stark continued. "But Max, you're going to go pack up your stuff right now and come back to the tower."

"We're just friends." MJ clarified, their mouth full of pizza.

"I don't care."

"Why does everyone think we're dating?" I asked them.

"I dunno, I've already got a girlfriend." MJ snorted.

"Maxine!" Stark shouted. "Pack up your stuff."

"Ooh, Maxine." MJ chuckled. I glanced at her and rolled my eyes. "Family drama." They were watching from behind the island in the kitchen, eating pizza like it was a bucket of popcorn and they were in a movie theater.

"Ooh, MJ, careful. Don't want to make Stark mad." I said, grabbing a slice of pizza from the box.

"Maxine!" Stark screamed. "Get your clothes and put down that pizza! We are leaving in two minutes! Either you have your stuff or you don't!"

"Fine, fine." I took a bite of the pepperoni pizza and held up my hands, holding the pizza with my mouth. "Gimme five minutes." I turned to go up the stairs, rolling my eyes as soon as he couldn't see my face.

I grabbed my backpack and stuffed the change of clothes I'd had from the night before back inside and zipped it shut. Then I selected a book off the shelf in the guest room and went to the top of the stairs. "Hey MJ!"


"Can I borrow this?"

"Sure." They replied, and I put it in my bag before skipping down the stairs.

Stark was glaring at me from the doorway. "Let's go."

"Ugh, you're worse than the guys at the lab." I joked.

His face went pale. "Oh, uh, get in the car."

I begrudgingly followed, waving at MJ as I left. "Bye MJ!"

"Bye Max!" She replied. "Want some pizza for the road?"

"No, I'm good, thanks." I shut the door behind me, following Stark to the black SUV parked in the driveway. "I'm not gonna fit in there," I said.

"We'll make you fit, even if you have to ride on the roof," Stark replied, slamming the driver's door shut. "Get in."

Authors note: Haha, hi. This was an eventful chapter. If anyone wondering, mj goes by she/they pronouns in this story. 

also, fun story. Usually when I go to write, I write a full chapter in one sitting. This is a 1500 word count. This took two hours. I'm bored. 

I'm also working on reading a 27 hour long fic rn, and it's really good, so That's why I haven;t been updating as much. I'm only like, a third through so that's fun.

anyways, have a good night, morning, or afternoon whenever it is in y'alls time zone. I know there's readers from all over, like France, Australia, and brazil, and a lot more. 

and a question for people reaidn from countries that main languages are not english. Are y'all translating this as you read, or can you guys read english? this is not meant to be derogatory in any way, I'm just curious if the story translates well.

okay goodnight/day/afternoon everyone.

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