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I was sitting working on my computer when my phone rang.

"Hey, it's Nari."

"Hey... it's Riki."

I got up so fast when I heard his voice.

This is the first time he has ever called me.

"hey, Riki how are you?" I was so happy

"I am good,"

"How is training?" I asked,

"it's good I am debuting next week,"

"really! that some good news," I said. The happiness I felt was unbearable. I got up from my desk and did a little dance.

"yeah but I wanted to ask something," he said

"yeah of course ask whatever you want,"

"so I just wanted to ask to keep my true identity and that you and Jin are my siblings,"

"why?" stupid question cause I asked Jin the same thing when I was about to debut.

"you know because you guys are famous and if everyone knew you are my siblings they will choose me for my family not because of my talent..."

"yeah of course," I said.

He was right.

"that's all?"

"Okay don't worry, do you need anything else?" I asked

"no no I'm good thank you,"


"goodbye then," he said

"Goodbye," I said as I was about to end the call

"I am so proud of you," I said when I heard some noises, it was Riki, he was crying.

"thank you," he said before hanging up, I was crying too, but I couldn't resist the smile that occurred on my face after hearing my brother's voice after a long time.


I was still in shock when someone grabbed my hand. It was Chan, he headed toward the back door to prevent the paparazzi from finding me.

"I-I need to find Riki I need to..." I said stuttering when he interrupted me, then said, "not now first we need to get you out of here I saw Jin whit him he will be okay" then he took me to his car and drove "what about your member?" he started the car, "they will be okay," he said giving me a soft smile.

He took me to a home that seemed to be his apartment, "you can stay here tonight," he said, showing me my room.

I was seated on the sofa, uncomfortably because of my clothes. Chan got up and left me, then he came back holding some clothes.

"You can use the shower there is a towel and everything in there, I don't have a lot of clothes here but you can use this," he said, giving me a t-shirt and a hoodie, "I don't think any of my pants will fit you," he said scratching the back of his neck "no problem" was all I said before I went to shower.

I was sitting in the bath whit my headphone, cause it make me relax and think calmly.

Suddenly the door opened to Chan, looking terrified.

He came to me and removed my headphone, " FUCK NARI YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME," he said out of breath when he realized that I was naked, but luckily the bubbles were hiding everything.

"What are you doing in here," I said, trying to hide my blushing, "I- hmm I-I thought something happened to you," he said trying, not to look at me, "I kept calling you but you didn't answer whatever hmm... I will go grab some food I will be back in few minutes," he said getting out of the bathroom.


'SHIT! THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING STUPID CHAN," I thought, as I went out to grab food and to call Nari's brother, but I didn't have his number, so I called Namjoon, who gave me his number the other day for work purposes.

"Hey so I called you to tell you that Nari is whit me and she is fine bye," I said, then hung up, which made Namjoon mad, but he still needed to take care of his Hyung Jin, who was drunk.

'It's all his fault. He always makes us suffer, I swear if he wasn't my dad, I would have killed him," Jin said, drunk.

When I came back, I found Nari sitting on the sofa whit only a hoodie which made my head go to places I shouldn't be right now.

"I bring food," I said, holding three packages of food because I couldn't decide what to order.

We were eating calmly, then Nari asked if I had any drink, I said yes and then went to bring some, but shortly after, I regretted it.

After some hours of eating and drinking Nari became so drunk, that she couldn't even walk properly.

 "you know I think that I need to be alone, whit no one, to be happy" she laughed "because litterly anyone I care about get hurt at the end" she laughed and took another glass when I stopped her.

 "okey that is enaugh now," I said taking the glasses from her hand she groaned "AHHH I thought you hated me," she said smirking at me"do you care about me?" she got up and sit next to me "don't fall in love okey?" she said looking at my lips.

"If you fall in love you wil get hurt please I don't want to lose you too," she said but then she got on top of me "but I can make love whit you in one condition," she said getting closer to my lips.

 "no feelings involved," she said then kissed me it felt good but she was drunk "that is not right you're drunk" she sighed "I am not that drunk," she said getting closer but I got on top of her this time adjusting her under me in the sofa.

 "Don't provoke me, Min Nari," I said before holding her in my arm and putting her on the bed "good night" but she grabbed my hand and said " Chan" I turned and got closer to her so I can hear properly "if I was able to love someone I would love you," she said before closing her eyes.

I just stood there as I felt my chest tighten, I had tears in my eyes, I don't know a lot about her past but I just know she's been through a lot.

1005 word

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