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I woke up at Jungkook's messy hair in my face "Jungkook what are you doing here?" I said trying to get his hair out of my face "I sent him to wake you up" Hobi said giving me an attitude, that was our friendship, we had this sassy unique friendship but still, we both cared for each other, "good" I answered in a sassy voice too.

My friendship whit Hobi started when I went to a museum as a guest, I was so bored of listening to everyone trying to buy some items that were so ugly as I saw a painting, I fell in love whit it.


"we will start whit 100 million dollars," the man said

"20 million," a man behind me declared

"30 million," I said this time

"40 million" he answered which made me more into the painting

"60 million," I said the money was no problem for me

"1 billion," the anonymous man said

"2 billion," I said after all I was already rich and since my grandmother died I inherited all her 700 billion dollars that she hide from you and wrote un her will that she didn't want to make me a spoiled child.

silence "sold to the lady" I turned around and winked at the man who looked so mad.


As for me, Jimin, Joon, and Jungkook were all sitting at the table waiting for food, and the others "why aren't you cooking?" Jungkook said to Jimin.

"He said he wanted to cook today," he answered as all of the members glanced at me"I guess it's because Na..." he got interrupted by my brother coughing "sit Jimin," he said putting sausage in front of me and then went to grab the rest I chuckled 'I hate sausages'.

We were sitting eating in silence because of the tension me and my brother radiated when he said: "We have a family dinner next weekend" I stopped eating "I didn't know" I said smiling at my big brother "it's because you changed your number" he stated still chewing his food I just smiled.

"Mom miss you" I slapped my fork on the table, this is what make me mad after all she did she still act like nothing happened after all she made me go through she pretend like we are a happy family, I just laughed "tell her she is a little bit late for that" he looked at me "she is our mom Nari," my big brother said as I just chuckled "mom... she never acted like a mom to us she needs to thank god I still call her mom".

My brother put his fork too, "she wasn't the problem" I went to his face and screamed "don't talk like you know anything... you don't fucking know what I went through... don't act like a brother now. Where were you when I was kicked out? or when our grandma dies? You didn't even come to visit, you're as wrong as them" he got up this time too.

"I did everything I could," he said screaming too "yeah I am sorry you would send money and gifts" he hit the table as I flinched he stopped and looked at me "you behave like dad," I said getting mad heading toward my room.

I opened the door then went to the bathroom and washed my face looking at the mirror "don't you dare cry... don't you dare fucking cry" I said as I punched the mirror.

"You didn't have to say it as that" Jungkook said to the brother who was more pissed, he hit the table then screamed holding his face "okay you're right I don't know how to treat my fucking own sister... okay I know... all of you are fucking right... I am a bad brother... I am a bad shitty brother who left his little siblings alone handling adult problems cause he was too scared to face them... and yes I should try harder but I am sorry I am not perfect" then a loud hit was heard from upstairs "Nari!" he said worriedly when Namjoon ran upstairs

"Nari!" Namjoon screamed my name again as he found me laying on the floor my hand was bleeding he tried lifting me"Nari" my brother came running toward me as he saw the blood he backed up then went the other way leaving me and Namjoon alone whit the other member watching from outside.

As Namjoon was bandaging my hand he said in a calm voice "are you sure you want to go to the award show we can cancel it" I just looked at him and smiled "it's okey I am fine it's not the first time" then I got up to find all the other member except my brother, of course, waiting outside "I am okey there is nothing, here look" I said showing them my hand "I need to get ready now bye" I said as I went to my room and called Noah and told him to bring a coffee and the stylists whit him and he agreed.

After half an hour Noah came holding my coffee to find my brother outside "hy Mr. Noah" Noah looked at the man whit red eyes and messy hair and blood in his hand "you fought again?" he said worried about Nari, he knew she had problems in keeping her anger, the young man nodded looking down "you guys need to talk calmly" he said and he was right whenever they talk it always ended whit a fight "I don't think she want that" the devastated man said still looking down.

 Noah was about to enter he got down next to him and said "you know she loves you" Noah said then got up and went toward your room.

My dress and hair were ready as Rokinda was doing my makeup "your eyes are not that bad" she said looking at my under eyes who got lighter because I actually slept yesterday and the day before whit Chan "why are you smiling?" Rokinda said smirking at me "n-nothing nothing... we are getting late" I said slightly embarrassed at the memories of me and Chan kissing "we finished you can go put the dress now" she said still smirking.

I was wearing a long black open dress in the chest and in the leg.

"is it good," I asked your Jungkook "it's too good," he said looking at me then he looked at Namjoon "now Namjoon will look like nothing in front of you if you won the best couple award," he said teasing his leader who just looked at me silently.

 "is it too much?" I said after seeing Namjoon's reaction " it's pretty" he said "you don't look that expensive Luv" Hobi said catching my attention, I looked at him then said in a sassy tone "really? how much is your outfit then?" I asked he chuckled and looked the other way then smirked at me "about 500 thousand dollars I guess" I jumped in your place " haha I won mine is 600 hundred" I smiled at Hobi's annoyed face "okay let's go... and stop acting like some old rich grandpa's" Jimin said opening the door.

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