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"Look who I brought for you guys," Namjoon said screaming in the middle of the mansion as I interrupted him "is he here?" I asked feeling a little bit anxious as always "I don't know," he answered removing his shoes "Nari maybe you should..." I interrupted him "let's not talk about it now" I removed my shoes then proceed to call for Jungkook I truly missed him after all he was everything to me, Jungkook was the only person that I would die for, he passed through so much and he always makes me feel understood.

"So yeah that's what happened," I told him what happened whit Chan he just looked surprised "that would make a good article" I hit him and gave him a serious look "there is one question and one answer, do you love him?" I looked at him in shock then laughed "me? in love?" I laughed at what my best friend just said "yeah that is quite impossible too" he laughed too " I am hungry," I said smirking at him "no no I am tired I've been practicing all day" he moaned as I pouted at him "please," I said as I heard another please from behind it was Tae who pouted too Jungkook scoffed then accepted his fate.

"here you are," Jungkook said passing me and V a plate "thank you," we both said at the same time while devouring our food and drinking when I, Jungkook, and Tae meet we just laugh a lot and drink a lot, "yeah yeah do you remember when you kissed Nari's cheeks and she made a disgusted face that was so funny I just laughed and forgot to sing," Jungkook said teasing Tae "don't laugh at that I got a lot of hate for it," I said and it was true all V supporters started attacking me "yeah cause you're the only one who got hate," V laughed glaring at me, he too got hate by my supporters.

 "Yeah, and have you seen the Wattpad that was written about the enemies to lover one it was so funny" You and Tae looked at Jungkook "you read a Wattpad about us?" I asked "yeah I always do! you need to see the one about you and Namjoon it was too spicy that I couldn't look at you guys for a week," he said laughing again "yeah I read it too," V said as I just looked at them in disgust then we laughed.

After some time, Namjoon came to find us laughing drunk and Tae sleeping at the table, "hey leader" Jungkook said whit a soft voice as I just smile at their interaction, "come on Nari let's go to sleep," Namjoon said helping me get up but fell so he carried me in his shoulder.

He put me in my bed as I grabbed his hand "thank you" was all I said before falling asleep as he remembered that day.



I was sitting home alone when a phone start ringing, it wasn't mine I followed the sound to find Jungkook's "this brat he forgot it again" I said whispering it was Nari so I answered "hello" I said as a man answered "hye man" this made my blood boil "who is that?" I said in an angry tone "so I am the server in this bar and the owner of this phone fell asleep here after drinking so much" he said as I got worried "tell me the place I will come to get here" he told me the place it was a bar close to her house.

I found her in the bar asleep "what have you done Nari?" I told her as I shake her shoulder to wake up "N...Namjoon?" she said trying to open her eyes "I am here now darling don't worry" I helped her get up then went to my car, we were driving when she started crying that was too unlike her in all my years of knowing here I've never seen her cry once.

"Can we go have coffee?" she said as she try to wipe her tears I stopped the car then went out and opened her door "come here?" I said telling her to get down as she got down she looked at me her eyes were red her pale face become so red that broke my heart she looked devastated, when her group spread those rumours she disappeared for a week then came back and cleared the rumours.

 She looked so strong but I just knew she wasn't doing good, I just grabbed her head and put it in my chest holding her tight "it's okay to cry Nari just let it all out" I said trying to comfort her, she was silent for a moment then I heard some silent cry I didn't stop her I didn't want to interrupt her, especially cause I know how hard is it for her to cry in front of someone, we just staid there her crying in my arm I felt a tear in my eyes too just by looking at her.

"you know what's sad," she said taking a sip from her coffee I nodded "that I knew all along" I was confused "yes I knew they would say something like that in public I even had a video of them saying that but..." she stayed silence then chuckled "I didn't believe it or how I can I say I didn't want to believe I tried so hard to make them love me in events I would just let them speak and I would stand behind them and I would choose the most boring outfit and I even wore a mask in our comeback so they can shine but still they hated me" she smiled "I guess anyone I call family just doesn't loves me" still smiling but her eyes they were sad "don't say that you are not the problem don't blame yourself"

 She looked at me her face was still sad I wanted to remove this tension "it's not your fault you're stunning you remember when you wore a mask everyone thought that you did it for the style so everyone started wearing masks as accessories even us or when you made a collab whit us you were so scared everyone will attack you but it was actually the opposite we had a lot of your male even female fans attack us" she laughed that is what I wanted "we doubled our security because of you, one fan even sent us a death threat saying that if one of us dated you he will kill us" she laughed again nodding "your smile is beautiful" I said she smiled at me 'did I said it out loud I thought "hmm... let's go home" I said blushing from embarrassment.

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