Chapter 29 : The Last Preparations

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Warnings: fire, smoking, implied violence/past prostitution/past child abuse


Unlike what Izuku would have first thought, Giran had gathered everyone in a fancy and clean office. He did not even remember ever seeing a room looking so expensive. Well, Giran had made decent money as a broker and, considering the watch on his wrist, he seemed to enjoy it.

It was the day before the attack, each team had trained to perfection and knew exactly what they had to do. The last thing they needed was their equipment and outfit. Izuku had given them ideas of what they should ask for, though Hai already had a little idea of what he wanted. Talking about him, those who would need the most specific equipment were Dabi and Hai – also known as the Diversion Duo, as the latest had named them – since they needed fireproof clothes. The next in order were Mister and Izuku – also known as the Robbers Duo – and the last were Muji and Toga – also known as the Spies Duo. And talking about Muji, she looked quite uncomfortable, not used to criminality.

Giran had prepared a suitcase for each of them with their aliases on it, it almost made Izuku feel like the U.A. student he had dreamt of becoming. He was no student of any hero school, and doubted he would do his highschool in another way than online.

"Open 'em, don't be shy," Giran said as he lazily sat on his desk chair.

Izuku did not wait any longer, he immediately jumped on the suitcase to open it. He already knew what was in there, yet he felt as excited as the morning of Christmas. He had taken Mister's advice and decided to keep Dabi's hoodie for his outfit. He would keep basic black pants for the bottom, large enough to make the movements comfortable. So, the only clothes in the suitcase where a pair of black combats boots who were in much better state than his old red shoes, maybe he could even give a good hit with it. Izuku had mostly asked for accessories, he had based his sketches on the old ones he had made for his 'future hero costume' and some of the only images of underground heroes.

First, were two sheaths he would put on his tighs to support two combat knives. He had asked Stain for the best knives if he had to fight and he had given him a precise reference. The handle was black, as well as the blade — thought it shone a bit when exposed to light. The said blade did not look to short, considering it was supposed to be around thirteen centimeters. Next, was an utility belt he would wear across his shoulder, like a sash. Some pockets were round and grey, others were rectangular and green. The support itself was in a darker green, similar to the one on Izuku's hoodie. The biggest pocket, which would be for his emergency mini notebook and pen — had a 'K' embroidered on it. Finally, the biggest piece, Izuku's mask. Screw the fabric one, this time it was made of metal. Izuku had taken the idea right from his ancient heroes ideas for the future. Yes, it was inspired originally from All Might's smile, but Izuku had tought about it. On top of the smile of the Symbol of Peace, he had put the one in his first mask. It made him look villainous, indeed, however it was a risk he was willing to take.

"Hold on guys! It is now my time to shine!"

Izuku had been so focused on his own equipment he had not noticed Hai living the room to try his. That way, when Hai came back with the most dramatic entrance possible, he was even more amazed. Beside them, rested the empty suitcase with 'Prometheus' written on it. Well, Izuku did not focus on the suitcase right now. Hai looked absolutely wonderful. The basic outfit composed of a white tee-shirt, black pants and combat boots was highlighted by a trench coat with gold highlights — completely fireproof. Their eyes were protected by yellow, almost orange, triangular protection glasses. Izuku felt like he had already seen some similar but he could not remember where exactly. The last item where lighters attached to his wrists with bracelets which gave the illusions of being red ribbons. Of course Hai could not just stop there, they had to show what they were capable of. With one flick of their thumbs, they took flames in each of their hands, created two will-o'-the-wisp and made the fire dance on the music Toga had started when they entered the room. Flames twirled around them and followed each of their movements. He looked so confident, as if he was perfectly aware of the effect he was creating. Izuku had never believed in any deity but, after seeing Hai wink at him, face surrounded by an halo of light and fire, he certainly did.

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