Chapter 23 : The Importance of Family

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Warning: mention of murder, arson

"Once a wise man told me 'family don't end with blood', but it doesn't start there either. Family care about you, not what you can do for them. Family is there, for the good, bad, all of it. They go your back, even when it hurts. That's family."

Dean Winchester


If you asked Shota Aizawa, he would tell you he usually hated calling people, especially on FaceTime.

   However, he did not have the choice, especially since one of his only friends — also known as Sam Hills — constantly changed location, downsides of working worldwide. With all of them being heroes, Shota could not see his friends often, outside of Mic, since they were now married and had lived together for ten years. He could not see Midnight much either, yes, they worked together, however they were so busy they couldn't interact much.

"So, how are you guys doing? Personally, I'm still waiting for my nephew!" Sam said, putting his long, grey, hair into a quick ponytail.

   He had changed a lot since high school, though his eyes were still as black and his skin still as brown, Sam had gained much muscular strength and confidence, becoming the independent hero he had always dreamt to be. Shota sometimes caught himself remembering the time when their homeroom teacher had introduced them the exchange student who would join their class: an awkward American who could barely speak Japanese. Luckily for him, Hizashi was already fluent in English at the time.

"We're not having kids." Hizashi, sitting next to him in front of the computer, said.
"Sure, sure. You won't make me stop believing you two will be parents one day."
"I thought we agreed that the first one to become a parent will be Nemuri?" Shota added.
"Well, she adopted Sushi so she kinda already is." Sam said as he laughed and sat more comfortably.

   To be honest, Shota had trouble accepting that this cat was already 15 years old, mostly because he had trouble accepting Shirakumo had been gone for 15 years.

"No, no, no! You, Hizashi, are just a great teacher, while he is in desperate need to have a kid." Sam explained as Shouta tried to catch up the conversation.
"You have a new tattoo." he commented.
"Yep, got it in France." Sam answered as he showed the tattoo of a hot-air-balloon.
"And now you're in Egypt, right?"

   They talked for a while about how Sam had had trouble with jet lag for the first few days, so much he had been forced by his colleagues to take a break, then they deviated on how it was also complicated for Hizashi and Shota, because of their extremely busy schedules they sometimes felt like they were constantly working. Talking about work...

"Shota, I heard you worked on the Brainstorm case, how're you holding up?"
"You've heard about the Brainstorm case?"
"Who didn't? A powerful mastermind like him not being able to get caught without dying? It's almost like destiny didn't want us to win."
"Yeah... I can't talk about it. Everything's supposed to stay classified."
"Dont worry, I get it."

   Shouta felt the scar Dabi left him hurting as flashbacks of the raid flew through his mind. He had thought for hours about how protective Brainstorm had been toward his comrades, especially that blond kid. He knew some groups of villains considered each other as family but it simply did not work with Brainstorm's character. The guy had never had any attachment, to any villain he worked with, so why would he protect those ones? He couldn't understand why would he want them to survive, maybe he had something prepared for them? A legacy or some shit like that? Brainstorm dying without anything ready to finish is work did not feel right. This was probably one of the things Shota had hated the most whilst working on that damned case: you could never tell exactly why Brainstorm acted the way he did, or how much he had done. Each time the cops thought they had found anything, something else appeared.

Karma is a kid [𝐌𝐇𝐀] {DISCONTINUED}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora