Chapter 8 : The New Path

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Warning: implied Attack on Titans spoilers, knives, swearing, smoking

The more time passes the more you change, for the better, or is it for the worse...?


"Guys, question of the day: if you could kiss anyone from Attack on Titan, who would it be?" Hai asked.

   He was sitting on Dabi's couch, who had kindly accepted — because he had not been forced at all — to let Izuku, Hai and Toga chill in his apartment after a long day. Toga was laying on the couch, resting her legs on Hai's lap whilst Izuku was on the armrest next to them and Dabi had to sit on one of his kitchen chair.

"Hm, this one is hard... I have no idea. What about you?" Izuku answered.
"Is that weird if I say Levi or Mikasa?"
"Nope, totally understandable."
"Well, if you can't get the uncle, get the niece," Dabi said as he chuckled.
"Wow, that sounds gross," Toga added.
"And you, Toga? Who would that be?" Hai asked.
"Marco! Or Sasha! They look so cute! Their blood must be so delicious!"
"Yeah, they deserved better..."
"Dabi, who would you kiss?" Hai asked once again with a suggestive grin.
"Dunno. None of them are really my type."
"I bet on Season 4 Reiner!" Izuku said.

   Dabi chuckled once again while he took a cigarette that he lighted with one of his finger.

"You know, you're gonna destroy your lugs with that shit," Hai said.
"Language," Izuku added in-between fake coughs.
"Oh c'mon! You're not gonna start doing that too!"

   Izuku and Toga laughed whilst Hai was fake-pouting — he definitely did not know how to look angry.

"Anyways, since Karma changed the subject, Dabi. Your lungs."
"I know, brat."
"And I thought I was the only one who had the privilege to get called brat..."
"It's the first rule with Dabi: you're older, you're an 'old man'; you're younger, you're a brat."
"You brats know I can kick you out of here?"
"You can, but you won't. Because you love us," Hai said.
"He's not wrong, I mean you did save my life." Izuku crossed his arms, kind of proud of him.

   He was not used to be so close to people yet. Hai and Toga, just like all the other people Dabi had 'chosen' to help with Karma's future, had all welcomed him without asking questions. He could have murdered hundreds of people and they would have not cared at all. This sometimes led to existential questioning for Izuku. 'Will they still accept me when they'll learn I'm quirkless?',  'Are they just pretending to be nice?' and many, many more.

"And you kept the bracelet I made for you!" Toga added.

   Dabi immediately took off the yellow beads bracelet on his wrist.

"I'll burn y'all alive."
"Not to brag but I think Dad will hunt you down until he knows all your life from the day your parents created you, if you try. "
"He can do that?" Izuku asked. "I mean, everyone around here usually hide their identity."
"Yeah, I've seen them do it once, the 'live analysis' thing. It's like... You remember when he discovered you were Karma in five minutes? Yeah? Well it's a hundred times more terrifying. He just looked at the guy and then told his whole life!"
"That sounds so cool!"
"Maybe you could ask him, I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you some tips. Oh, by the way," He turned toward Toga. "How much can you do with a knife?"


"So, what do you want us to write on your tombstone? My Chemical Romance quotes maybe?" Dabi held his phone as if he would write Izuku's answer.
"Oh come on! I'm no going to kill him!" Toga reassured him. "I'll maybe take some blood if he get cut though."
"Could you- not do that? Please?"

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