Chapter 13 : The Power of Knowledge

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Warning: mention of bullying and discrimination, smoking

The strongest hero won't be able to do anything against you if you already know their entire life.


"He'll be there. I couldn't see if we'll catch him but now we know where he'll be."

   It'll be over soon.


   Izuku could say it everyday, but he was so excited of what would happen today! It was Saturday, which meant he could do whatever he wanted. Brainstorm had proposed an intense training, it would last all day with a break at noon during which Hai and Mister would join them so that they could all eat together. It would be a great day. With both of their busy schedules, they couldn't see each other much, which displeased Izuku who loved to be taught by Brainstorm. They were different than Stain or Dabi, who were more hot-blooded. Brainstorm was always calm, never angry or destabilized, always focused on what needed to be done.

   So Izuku had just arrived at one of the apartments, to which he had been given the address the day prior. Brainstorm had a more casual attitude, mostly due to the fact that they were in private.

"Do you want something to drink?"
"No, no, thank you. I don't need anything."
"Fine, then take a seat. We're getting started."

   They sat across a kitchen table, Izuku taking out his notebook and pen like a model student. A laptop was opened on the table, with a video ready to be played on the screen.

"You are going to watch it and then I want you to tell me everything you can about it."

   The said video was pretty short, shorter than five minutes actually, which did not stop Izuku from finding informations about it. Based on the quality of the image, it was from at least a decade ago. Two men were fighting, Izuku could not understand what they were saying — more like shouting — but it sounded like Spanish. Izuku was certain that neither of them were professional heroes. They both had civilians clothes, their movements were messy, they could not control their quirks. It would be easier for Izuku to understand what was going on if he understood Spanish, yet he would have to rely on their body language and their tones of voice for now. 

"What can you tell me about their quirks?"
"The first one look like a gravity control quirk. It seems to only work on the user, unless he needs more than a physical contact to activate it on other people. The second one first looked like a teleportation quirk, but I think it's just a speed one. Their fight is only based on violence and anger, their moves aren't well-thought, it would be easy to stop them both, with a little physical resistance — if the user of the gravity quirk increased the weight of his fist, it would make a lot of damage. They also seem to rely completely on their quirk, so if someone like Eraserhead wanted to stop them, they would do it in seconds. Also, they..."

   Izuku continued his explanations whilst muttering. He couldn't stop himself, he had so much to say! He was also taking a few, messy, notes, so he wasn't even looking at Brainstorm. It felt like it lasted a few secondes and half an hour at the same time, but he eventually stopped himself, trying to catch his breath (muttering hypotheses was more exhausting than it looked).

   Brainstorm hummed.

"Did I- Did I stay something wrong?" Izuku asked, anxious, as he eventually raised his head to look at Brainstorm.
"No, everything is perfect." They slightly smiled.
"Wha- Really? But I-"
"I asked you to tell me everything you could, which you did. If I had wanted a clear, well structured, analyze, I would have given you the whole day. Actually, even whilst improvising, it was clear. Your argumentation made sense."

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