Chapter 24 : The Hidden Memories

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Aaaaaallirght, let's go with chapter 24!
Sorry for posting later than usual and also, i've only proof-read this chapter once so please ignore the mistakes

Warnings: past child abuse, swearing (I certainly forgot some so please let me know)


Dabi had never been the type of guy who hesitate. If he wanted to do something, he would do it, and fuck whoever disagreed with him. That way, when he finally felt calm and understood he would need to have a serious talk with Izuku, no matter how much he hated facing his past, he did not wait to press the call button. After a few rings – and a few hesitations, apparently – the brat answered.

"Hey..." the brat started.
"Hey brat.You busy?"
"N- no... Why? Do you, do you need anything?" Dabi had not heard Izuku stutter like this in a while.
"Yeah. We need to talk."
"Oh... I see... Hum, do you want to meet somewhere in particular?"
"No, don't give a fuck," he said, "and I don't plan killin' you, brat;" he added, understanding why Izuku did not just suggested a place.
"I- I know, I know. Maybe we can meet at the apartment where I, where I have all the files?"
"Yeah, 't's good idea."
"I'm sending you the address."

   Dabi hung up, though he received a text a minute later with an address who was not too far away from where he lived. He was almost sure he had already been in this street, and that some of his contacts also lived in the area. Anyways, walking all the way would take a while, so might as well start imediately. He took his keys, jacket, and left his place. He could not wait to definitely leave it. Muji had found a correct apartment, so they should finally move in a few weeks.

   Speaking of the devil, Muji had been more present for him recently. Dabi would not tell her, but he knew it was because she worried he would do something stupid now that his secrets were in danger. Turns out he had not done something stupid, except going after Stain. This had been stupid. Yet, Dabi would not tell the brat about this. Native had not been attacked, for now, so there was not any reason to bring the subject on the table. If he had to talk about it, he would be in a long time. To be honest, he first wanted to see if Izuku would contact Stain again, and how much would he say. The main reason why Dabi had introduced the brat to Brainstorm and the others was to make sure he would be safe; however Dabi did not know Stain, so he could not tell if the brat would be safe with him.

   God dammit, now he sounded like Mister talking about Goldilocks...


   When he arrived, he was now certain he had already been there. Maybe Scarface still lived in the area? Was he still dating spider-girl? Who knew... Anyways, He quickly found the right apartment, judging from the look of the building, it was certainly also the only occupied one. He would have thought everything was empty, if he had not heard the brat pacing. Guess he really felt stressed, huh? Since Dabi was in a good mood this day, he took the time to make sure he would not knock too hard.

   It did not stop the brat from shivering when he opened the door. Dried tears could almost been seen on his cheeks.

"Hey brat, how you feeling?" he asked, as he entered the apartment.

   It looked cleaner and nicer than his could ever be. To be honest, he dreamt of having a place this nice, though he knew he would never be able to afford it, even with Muji as a roomate.

"G- good. What about you?"
"The usual." He simply said, looking at the empty shelves.
He heard Izuku take a deep breath. "Do you wanna see the files or talk first?" He quickly said, so quickly Dabi almost did not understood.
"Show 'em. We can do both at the same time."


"Dammit, I learned about Enji's life than I would have ever if I had stayed in that fucking family." Dabi chuckled.

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