You really are shit at apologies.

Start from the beginning

"You're to nice to others you know? You worry about them more than you do yourself. Tell me what's going on. I'm all ears." I smile at my best friend, gesturing to her to continue.

When she finishes everything, with tears falling. I can't help but pull her close and tell her everything is going to be okay.

I would have never known if she wouldn't have told me. Ethan has done nothing but treat her like a mouse. Trapping whenever he pleases like some sick game. Making her feel like the worst girlfriend possible. And as her best friend I hadn't noticed because of my own issues.

She seeked help from Bobby. Going over to his house every other day when Ethan was away at work. They hadn't done anything but talk. Until the other night they couldn't take the insane tension between each other.

When she was telling me how he was holding her, being so gentle. Her eyes lit up and I knew that look, especially from her because that's how she once looked at Ethan.

But now it was Bobby and I think there isn't anyone else beyond that.

"He's packing once he gets home, then leaving to go back to his parent till he finds a place. Why do I feel guilty?" She cries.

"Carly everyone falls out of love. Its not natural to have just one love, at least thats how I see it. You need at least a few broken heart before you can find the right person to mend it back together." She looks up at me from my lap, my fingers running through her crimson hair.

She sighs. "It's so hard. Why did it take me this long to become myself and tell him I was no longer happy?"

"It may have taken this long, but now at least you'll be happy." I smile, lean down and kiss her forehead.

"Hey no homo."

"Oh shut up, you were the one who made me hold your hand at the bar and pretend to be your lesbian lover because that weird guy with the beard."

Laughing she sits up and rubs the tears from her big eyes. "I love you Tayz, you always know how to cheer me up."

"That's what friends are for. And I love you."

As the night rolls by, we both end up falling asleep watching The Hot Chick.


As morning sun rises I try to avoid awkward confrontation with Ethan as I get ready using their bathroom. I know he'll be home any minute.

It's early and I am not in the mood, unless you want a good punch to the face.

Thankfully once I'm ready, Carly is awake making breakfast for herself as I step into the kitchen.

"He'll be home soon. I'll see you sometime this weekend?" She stuffs her mouth full with cereal.

"Of course." I tell her before heading to my car and leaving.


"He what!" For some reason telling this story again still stings. As I tell Jules, she's beyond pissed. "Oh he's going to hear an ear full once I get off work!" She pounds her tiny fist against the island.

"No you won't, I am giving him a few days to think about it. I haven't talked to him since Monday its now Wednesday. Please don't."

"You can't tell me that and fucking expect me to be okay with it Tayzley. I protect the ones I care for. I may be small but I'm powerful when it comes to being verbally aggressive."

"Yes I know, also physically." I point the poor innocent trash can she used as a kick boxing bag.

"On shut up. You do it too."

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