Angel inside devil

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This poem explains the personality of little girl. From outside she is very cold person but she is an angel inside.

Angel inside devil

She may seem very cold,
Her actions are very bold,
She have often told,
She is Diamond not a gold.

Others just saw what they wanted to see,
As it's easier to judge her than to believe,
What did she do rather than flee?
She is very different from what everyone see.

There was a time she didn't had a shoulder to cry but her knees,
No one understood her and just stung her like bee,
She badly wanted to flee,
But facing the problems is the correct thing she see.

Every devil was an angel before,
The angel in them broke after wrong people frequent chances,
No one protected them but enjoyed their pain as if it was a performance of dance,
In this case should they continue being hurt or become strong?

She wasn't one of them,
She still have an angel inside her devil,
You won't know unless you walk in her shoes,
She now an Eagle not a goose.

Enough of crying out,
It's time to shine out,
It is not your life but mine,
Who was right will only be said by time,
But I know that being my own slave rather than yours isn't a crime.

Words with different meaning :
Flee : Over here flee means suciding or basically leaving the world.

Life: A journey towards self love or....... self hatredUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum