Hidden side (world fact)

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This poem says how people have a side hidden. Bad people are different inside. They act good, generous, loyal and all in front of the world but secretly they hurt people. No one could know what happened cuz it's all HIDDEN. Good people act to be tough and cold. They hide their soft and kind side from the world, they fear that they will get used. Depressed people dress themselves all cheerful but there is a fact that the funny person in a group is the one who is the most loneliest. Such a simple thing yet scary. The fact that the kind stranger who may have helped you with carrying your grocery bags could be secretly one of those bad kinds and maybe your classmate who ignores the whole world and is portrayed as 'bad girl/boy' is secretly good. Who knows maybe your cousin sister who is the happy pill of the family and always have a wide smile have thoughts of killing herself. No one talks about this topic so little girl thought why not write a poem in this interesting world fact.

Hidden side

Everyone have a hidden side,

It could be inner child,

Someone who is wild,

Or someone who for this world is very kind.

The hidden side could be bad,

Or hiding that you are lonely and sad,

It could be at someone you are secretly mad,

Hiding it can be sometimes too hard.

Very few are very kind,

They hide their helpful side,

So others won't take advantage of them through their cruel mind,

Cuz kindness is even blind.

Many are out there who are very bad,

They keep impression on others but make people secretly sad,

But one day their truth will surely be revealed,

Karma after all have fateful thoughts.

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