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This day was The Father's day. The day our little girl is always prepared her best for. Of course because she loves her Dad the most in the world. Even more than Mom. As she recently started poetry she thought of writing a poem on him. A funny incident that happened this day was when she was reciting her poem to her dad. Her dad's elder brother aka little girl's uncle was also present and listening her poem. When she ended her poem she saw that the eyes of her Dad was teary of happiness. She smiled big thinking that atleast she could touch his heart. Just then when this special Dad and Daughter moment was going on then little girl's uncle said, "Bro her teeth have became big just like you. I'm scared it will become weird in future like you have it now haha." His joke made her little girl's dad annoyed and he replied back, "Ah why do you always interrupt my special moments. You know how much I dreamt of my Apple saying a poem dedicated to me on Father's Day when she was born. When that moment came you had to interrupt it." His brother replied him, "Well annoying you is my lifetime responsibility. I will annoy you everytime. Since childhood till the time we become old grandpa's I will annoy you haha. " and there they started bickering just like kids. Who would believe that men at their late 40's also bicker like child. Let's see the poem which our little girl wrote on her Dad.


The person who never let me become sad,
Might be scary when mad,
It's non other than my chubby cheeks dad.

For others he is cold,
For me he is hero bold,
He looks cute when he have a smile mold,
Must be first Asian dad who rarely scolds.

He never taught me to fall,
He grew me up very tall,
I hope I'm a daughter good,
After all for me he always stood.

He hates tears in my cheeks,
Even without him a week,
It feels like a year,
Who doesn't loves this cool dad atmosphere.

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