Worthless Wishes (world facts)

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(Author's note - I don't intend to criticize any religion here. I am not very religious but spiritual and I will probably change my religion to Buddhism in future. But I do respect every religion. Don't mind my long speech but it is something everyone should know to come off from their religious ego.)

The little girl was wise. She knew nothing will happen by asking wishes only. We need to work on it. Because god up over there is just the judge who provides us with the things we need to complete our duty on Earth, he doesn't completes our wishes. We won't wake up with a successful life by praying everyday. It is only possible to reach our destination by working on it. Everyone across this globe burdens god with their wishes because they are too lazy to work on it so they just pray all day long. Did anyone ever thought about god? How much work they give him? If one asks a religious person why don't they care about the burden they give to god they will just shamelessly reply, "He is greatest of all. He can do anything. He doesn't have any burdens. We can ask from him anything we want. You are criticizing god by judging his power! He doesn't have any burden!" and so on. The young 12 yr old looked out of the ego of these religious people and their unrealistic beliefs. God isn't the one we made. It is just a power that we named god. We don't have any rights to pray a stone or a building saying that we are giving respect to god. God isn't there in such fictional stories. He is just from the starting. He just creates us and the things we need for our journey and then it becomes our responsibility to complete the duty in Earth we were sent here for. But see millions of people waste their half life in begging from god. They aren't responsible to handle situations that's why they are doing this. Praying god is by doing the things we were assigned to do. Not by begging a stone statue or cement structures. It's okay to pray but always relying on god for everything is what little girl criticizes.

Worthless wishes

What is the need of worthless wishes,
In the end they will always pile up like dishes,
Why don't people understand,
Life goes on like river,
We are just like helpless fishes.

Life is one time opportunity,
Why waste it only asking worthless wishes,
Up there sitting Lord,
Is only the judge,
He can't give you special place in world.

Life can exhaust you,
The wishes every person wants exhaust the one above you,
It is not always sweet like chocolate fudge,
Life can be scary like movie grudge.

Work hard so that in future,
When all ask how you came so far,
Make god proud by saying independently,
It was just me and my soul together in war.

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