Ice cream pt 2 (About poet)

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The little girl is a type of person who likes to compare things. This time she compared herself with Ice cream. She realized she is just like an Ice cream. Cold from first glance and first touch but actually very sweet. And the cold heart of little girl melts with warm love just like Ice cream melts with warm surroundings. This poem shows how she is related with Ice cream.

Ice cream (pt 2)

I'm just like an Ice cream,
I am too cold to touch,
Until you taste my heart,
It is so sweet that you can't resist.

Only special people can resist,
My coldness and sweetness,
The more you touch my heart,
The more I melt,
But can you tolerate me till for you I fell?

I'm not an easy one to get,
You can't be with me if only once with me you met,
When because of you I melt I'm all set,
Only that time you can see my side which is sweet and warm,
I guarantee you that I will never give you harm.

Things which may not be understandable :

But can you tolerate me till for you I fell?

Meaning : It means that can you hold me till I totally melt from ice? Just like it is difficult to hold ice cream till it all melts it is difficult to handle poet too till she accepts you.

Life: A journey towards self love or....... self hatredМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя